Member Profile

Kamel Jebreen
Country of origin: Palestine Currently in: France, Paris General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2017 Doctorate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
I am R&D engineer specialized in machine learning, big data problems, and graphical models (Bayesian networks and dynamic Bayesian networks) for classification, and time-series data. 1. DATA SCIENCE: Supervised learning for regressions and classification (KNN, CART, Random Forest, Bagging, Stacking, SVM, Bayesian networks, graphical models, linear and logistic regression, data visualization (feature selection, discretization, PCA)) and Unsupervised learning (clustering (K-means, CART) and interfere dynamic interaction and casual networks). 2. MATHEMATICS: Theory of machine learning, the theory of applied statics, measure probability theory, and numerical analysis. 3. BIG DATA: Manipulate high dimensional data with nonparametric approaches (LASSO, Random Forest and SVM) to perform high accuracy in regression, classification or interfering the intercalation and casual networks. 4. Computer Languages: R, Python, MATLAB, SQL, C, and C++.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Jebreen, K. A. K., Petrizzelli, M. S., and Martin, O. C. (2019). Probabilities of multilocus
genotypes in SIB recombinant inbred lines. Frontiers in Genetics, dio :10.3389/fgene.2019.00833.
2. Falque, M., Jebreen, K., Paux, E., Knaak, C., Mezmouk, S., and Martin, O.C. CNVmap :
a method and software to detect copy number variants from linkage mapping data.
(2019).bioRxiv, doi : http ://
3. Jebreen. K and Ghattas. B. Inferring linear and nonlinear Dynamical Causal net-
works using support vector machines. arXiv :1908.00762, 2019,, [Accepted
on ICMLA, Cancun, Mexico, 2017].
4. Jebreen. K and Ghattas. B. Bayesian Network Classification : Application to Epilepsy
Type Prediction Using PET Scan Data. 2016 15th IEEE International Conference on
Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 16), 965-970, California, USA.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyResearch Engineer; Clinical Research Unit (URC) Saint-Louis Lariboisière Fernand-Widal, France.
Other Awards
Sep 2014Erasmus MundusA PhD scholarship from European programme Erasmus Mundus action 2 ”HERMES”, 2014-2017.Jul 2005Bachelor scholarshipBachelor scholarship, Ministry of Education, Palestine, 2005-2009.