Member Profile

Membership type: full
Damary S. Jaramillo-Aguilar
Country of origin: Ecuador Currently in: Ecuador, Machala, El Oro General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2022 Undergraduate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Independent researcher.
Publications resulting from Research:
I have 10 publications, but 2 of them were published in high impact journals: 1) "Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices on Risks and Disasters Among Medical Students. A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study in 9 Latin American and Caribbean Countries" and, 2) "Perceived Fatality Prior to COVID-19 Infection in 13 Latin American Countries (FAT-LAT-COVID-19): Revalidation of a Shortened Scale".
Current profession
Current professional activities type:OtherIndependent professional, searching an opportunity to show my potential about medical research and teaching.
Asociación Científica de Estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad de Cuenca (ASOCEM-UCuenca)