Member Profile

Membership type: full
Fernande Honfo
Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Cotonou General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2015 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Human nutrition and optimization of traditional processing technique of local foods in West Africa in particular shea products and plantain derived products, infant flours formulation.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Honfo FG, Linnemann A, Guo M, Akissoe N, Soumanou M, and van Boekel MAJS. 2017. Influence of roasting of shea kernels on their fat content and some quality characteristics of shea butter. Journal of Food Studies 6 (1) ISSN 2377-1356.
2. Honfo FG, Akissoe N, Linnemann A, Soumanou M, and van Boekel MAJS. 2014. Nutritional composition of shea products and chemical properties of shea butter: a review. Critical Review of Food and Nutrition. 54 (5): 673-686.
3. Honfo FG, Linnemann A, Akissoe N, Soumanou M, and van Boekel MAJS. 2103. Characteristics of traditionally processed shea kernels and butter. International Journal of food Science and Technology. 48: 1714-1721.
4. Honfo FG, Linnemann A, Guo M, Akissoe N, Soumanou M, and van Boekel MAJS. 2012. Indigenous knowledge of shea processing and quality perception of shea products in Benin. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 51(6): 505-525.
5. Honfo FG, Hell K, Akissoe N, Linnemann A, and Coulibaly O. 2012. Microbiological and physicochemical characterization of shea butter sold on Benin markets. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 3 (3): 24-29.
6. Honfo FG, Tenkouano A, and Coulibaly O. 2011. Banana and plantain-based foods consumption by children and mothers in Cameroon and Southern Nigeria. African Journal of Food Science, 5 (5): 287-291.
7. Honfo FG, Hell K, Akissoé N, Coulibaly O, Fandohan P, and Hounhouigan JD. 2011. Effect of storage conditions on microbiological and physicochemical quality of shea butter. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48 (3) 274-279.
8. Honfo FG, Hell K, Akissoé N, Dossa RAM, and J.D. Hounhouigan JD. 2010. Diversity and nutritional value of foods consumed by children in two agro-ecological zones of Benin. African Journal of Food Science, 4 (4) 184-191.
9. Honfo FG, Hell K, Coulibaly O and Tenkouano A. 2007. Micronutrient value and contribution of plantain-derived foods to daily intakes of iron, zinc, and -carotene in Southern Nigeria. Info-Musa, l 16 (1-2) 2–6.
10. Honfo FG, Kayodé APP, Coulibaly O and Tenkouano A. 2007. Relative contribution of banana and plantain products to the nutritional requirements for iron, zinc and vitamin A of infants and mothers in Cameroon. Fruits, 62 (5) 267-277.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingGeneral course on human nutirition and food consumption; Processing technique and valorization of oleagenous
Institute of Tropical Agriculture Cotonou