Member Profile

Membership type: full
Daniela Hill
Country of origin: Ecuador Currently in: Ecuador, Guayaquil General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2016 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2007 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Ocean Literacy in coastal communities in EcuadorCurrent profession
Current professional activities type:Teaching
Other Awards
Oct 2020ODS14 Outstanding PracticeRecognition of the Environmental Education Program in Fiscal Schools of Coastal Communities of Amiguitos del Oceano Foundation, in the II Edition of ODS Recognitions, organized by the United Nations Global Compact Ecuador Network. 2020SDG Action Solidarity AwardRecognition of the “Cada Gota Cuenta” campaign that the Foundation, in conjunction with the UEES “Manglares del Ecuador” project, carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic to help more than 3,000 families of Guayas and El Gold. Https:// 2021Guardiana del PlanetaComo verdaderos protectores del planeta. Young Living se ha alineado con los valores del Día de la Tierra. Este año, Young Living celebrará el Día de la Tierra el jueves 22 de abril. Y como parte de nuestras acciones queremos reconocer a personajes locales que luchan día a día para contribuir con nuestro planeta e inspirarnos a todos a aportar juntos en la conservación de nuestro hogar.