Member Profile

Membership type: full
Alida Herbst
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Potchefstroom General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2003 Doctorate Other1994 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
My research focuses on the psychosocial health of individuals, groups and communities. I have a particular interest in narratives of illness and health and my PhD thesis was about using the life map technique in the support of young adults living with HIV or AIDS. A number of projects related to my PhD followed, including the PEPFAR/USAID funded Choose Life Project and a co-authored book with the title: Memory work – telling your story through life maps. I recently edited a South African textbook, titled, Trauma Counselling: principles and practice in South Africa today.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. The spiritual journeys of a group of healthcare professionals at a South African provincial hospital NKOMO,T.S.; HERBST, A.G. & DU PLESSIS, E. Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Conference on Spirituality in Healthcare: Wholeness in Health Care, 2018, Cambrigde Scholars
2. Complicated grief in the South African context: a social work perspective DRENTH, C.M.; HERBST, A.G. & STRYDOM, H British Journal of Social Work, 2013, 43(2):355-372.
3. The intensity of intensive care HERBST, A.G. & DRENTH, C.M Global Journal of Health Science. Published online July 3, 2012. doi: 10.5593/gjhs.v4n5p20
4. Geriatric end-of-life care: Developing a protocol for a South African frail care centre HERBST, A.G. & STRYDOM, H. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 2013, 25(2):210-229.
5. A complicated grief intervention programme (CGIP) for social workers DRENTH, C.M.; HERBST, A.G. & STRYDOM, H. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 2012, 24(3):309-330.
6. The African interpretations of a set of values in a value-based HIV and AIDS prevention programme HERBST, A. & JANSSEN, A First author Indilinga, 2011, 10(1):53-65.
7. The role Hospice Caregivers fulfil in caring for families infected with, or affected by HIV and AIDS BESTER, N. & HERBST, A.G Maatskaplike Werk/Social Work, 2010, 46(4): 450-468
8. A complicated grief intervention model. DRENTH, C.M.; HERBST, A.G. & STRYDOM, H. Co-author Health SA Gesondheid, 2010, 15(1):1-8.
9. The psychosocial implications of the closing of a mine for workers and their families STRYDOM, H. & HERBST, A Maatskaplike Werk/Social Work, 2008, 44(2): 170-188.
10. STRYDOM, H. & HERBST, A.G. Introducing life maps as technique in a social group work programmes for young adults living with HIV/AIDS. Maatskaplike Werk/Social Work, 2007, 43(3): 244-260
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingDirector of the School of Psychosocial Health at the North-West University in South Africa - teaching/learning, research and community enagagement