Member Profile

Membership type: full
Regina Garcia Mendez
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: United States, Towson General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2020 Doctorate Engineering sciences2015 Master Engineering sciences2012 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
My research interests revolve around understanding materials behavior through multi-scale characterization to address energy and environmental-related challenges.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Kazyak, E¥., Garcia-Mendez, R.¥ “Recent Progress and Challenges for Manufacturing and Operating Solid-State Batteries for Electric Vehicles”. MRS Bulletin. 2024, 1-13. DOI: 10.1557/s43577-024-00740-7. ¥ = Co-corresponding authors.
2. Garcia-Mendez, R., Zheng, J., Bock, D. C., Jaye, C., Fischer, D. A., Marschilock, A. C., Takeuchi, K. J., Takeuchi, E.S., Archer, L. A. “Understanding the Reversible Electrodeposition of Al in Low-Cost Room Temperature Molten Salts.” Cell Reports Physical Sciences. 2023. 4, 101452. DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2023.101452.
3. Hong, S., Jin, S., Deng, Y., Garcia-Mendez, R., Kim, K. I., Utomo, N., Archer, L.A. “Efficient Scalable Hydrothermal Synthesis of MnO2 with Controlled Polymorphs and Morphologies for Enhanced Battery Cathodes.” ACS Energy Letters. 2023. 8(4), 1744-1751. DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00018.
4. Jin, S., Deng, Y., Chen, P-Y., Hong, S., Garcia-Mendez, R., Sharma, A., Shao, Y., Kim, K-II., Yang, R. Archer, L.A. “Solid-adsorbed polymer-electrolyte interphases for stabilizing metal anodes.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2023. 62(18), 2023. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202300823.
5. Zheng, J., Deng, Y., Li, W., Yin, J., West, P., Tang, T., Tong, X., Bock, D., Jin, S., Zhao, Q., Garcia-Mendez, R., Takeuchi, K., Takeuchi, E., Marschilok, A., Archer, L. A. “Design Principles for Heterointerfacial Alloying Kinetics at Metallic Anodes in Rechargeable Batteries.” Science Advances. 2022. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq6321.
6. Zheng, J., Garcia-Mendez, R., Archer, L. A. “Engineering Multiscale Coupled Electron/Ion Transport in Battery Electrodes.” ACS Nano. 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c08719
7. Zheng, J., Deng, Y., Yin, J., Tang, T., Garcia-Mendez, R., Zhao, Q., Archer, L. A. “Textured Electrodes: Manipulating Built-In Crystallographic Heterogeneity of Metal Electrodes via Severe Plastic Deformation.” Advanced Materials. 2021. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202106867
8. Garcia-Mendez, R.§, Liu, X. §, Lupini, A. R., Cheng, Y., Hood, Z. D., Han, F., Sharafi, A., Idrobo, J. C., Dudney, N. J., Wang, C., Ma, C., Sakamoto, J., Chi, M. “Local electronic structure variation resulting in Li ‘filament’ formation within solid electrolytes.” Nature Materials. 2021. DOI: 10.1038/s41563-021-01019-x. § = equal contribution.
9. Garcia-Mendez, R§., Sato, M. §, Sakamoto, J. “Mapping hot-pressed Li6.25Al0.25La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) grains and grain boundaries through a simple thermal grooving technique”. Journal of the Asian Ceramic Societies, 8:3, 793-803, DOI: 10.1080/21870764.2020.1789286. § = equal contribution.
10. Garcia-Mendez, R., Smith, J. G., Neuefeind, J. C., Siegel, D. J. and Sakamoto, J. “Correlating macro and atomic structure with elastic properties and ionic transport of glassy Li2S-P2S5 (LPS) solid electrolyte for solid-state Li metal batteries”. Advanced Energy Materials. 2020. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202000335 – selected for the interior cover.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingMy professional activities as an Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University are dedicated to advancing knowledge, educating the next generation of scholars, and serving the academic community and society. Through a balanced integration of research, teaching, and service, I aim to contribute meaningfully to the mission of the institution and the broader academic community.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 San Francisco, Phoenix, Boston Materials Research Society Conference2016, 2017, 2022 San Diego, New Orleans. Electrochemical Society Conference2022 San Diego, CA American Chemical Society ConferenceAffiliations
Johns Hopkins UniversityPresentation given
2016Effect of Processing Conditions of 75Li2S-25P2S5 Solid Electrolyte on its DC Electrochemical BehaviorSan Diego, CAEvent: ECS Spring Meeting 20162016Interfacial Stability of 75Li2S-25P2S5 Solid ElectrolyteRichland, WAEvent: Beyond Lithium-Ion IX2017Study of the Mechano-electrochemical Performance of 75Li2S-25P2S5 (LPS) Solid Electrolyte against Metallic LithiumNew Orleans, LAEvent: ECS Spring Meeting2017Evaluation of the Electrochemical Behavior of Hot-pressed 75Li2S-25P2S5 (LPS) Glassy Solid ElectrolyteBoston, MAEvent: MRS Fall Meeting2019Enhanced grain growth kinetics in polycrystalline Li6.25Al0.25La3Zr2O12 solid electrolytePhoenix, AZEvent: MRS Spring2019Enhanced grain growth kinetics in polycrystalline Li6.25Al0.25La3Zr2O12 solid electrolyteLausanne, SwitzerlandEvent: International Conference on Electroceramics2021Understanding and Controlling Reversibility of Metal Deposition/Stripping ProcessesEvent: Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC)-Hub-CMS-CCS Virtual Principal Investigators’ Meeting2022Understanding the reversible electrodeposition of Al in low-cost room temperature molten salts electrolytesSan Diego, CAEvent: ACS Spring Meeting2022Understanding the reversible electrodeposition of Al in low-cost room temperature molten salts electrolytesEvent: 241st ECS Spring Meeting2022Cation Symmetry Breaking in Molten-Salt Electrolytes Enables Reversible, Long-Duration Storage in Al BatteriesBoston, MAEvent: MRS Fall Meeting2018Examining the Low Voltage Stability of Li6.25Al0.25La3Zr2O12Boston, MAEvent: MRS Fall Meeting