Member Profile
Membership type: full
Cintia Freitas
Country of origin: Brazil Currently in: Brazil, Santa Maria General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2012 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
I am an ecologist interested in outreach. I built my knowledge in community ecology, evolution of plants and the mechanisms that promote the coexistence of species, mainly closely related species. I include in my studies a historical biogeographic perspective bridging species and biome evolution. I have experience in explaining the distribution of species in terms of their abundance and genetic diversity. I keep a blog were I publish histories for kids that comprise natural science and gender equality concepts.
Publications resulting from Research:
Dambros, C., Zuquim, G., Moulatlet, G.M… Freitas C. et al. The role of environmental filtering, geographic distance and dispersal barriers in shaping the turnover of plant and animal species in Amazonia.Biodiversity and Conservation.
Cássia-Silva C; Freitas CG; Alves DMCC; Bacon CD; Collevatti RG. 2019. Niche conservatism drives a global discrepancy in palm species richness between seasonally dry and moist habitats. Global Eco. Biogeo. 1-12.
Cássia-Silva, C., Cianciaruso, M.V., Dias, P.A., Freitas, C.G., Souza-Neto, A.C. and Collevatti, R.G., 2020. Among cradles and museums: seasonally dry forest promotes lineage exchanges between rain forest and savanna. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 13(1), pp.1-13.
Melo WA; Freitas CG; Bacon CD; Collevatti RG. 2018. The road to evolutionary success: insights from the demographic history of an Amazonian palm. Heredity.
Freitas, C.G., Bacon, C.D., Souza-Neto, A.C. and Collevatti, R.G., 2019. Adjacency and area explain species bioregional shifts in Neotropical palms. Frontiers in plant science, 10, p.55.
Freitas CG; Costa FRC; Barbosa CE; Barrington D; Meerow A; Henderson A; Noblick L. 2016a. Molecular phylogeny of Attalea (Arecaceae): insights on the biogeography history of a recent evolved group. The Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 182: 272–286.
Freitas CG; Barbosa CEA; Cintra R; Costa FRC. 2016b. Restriction limits and main drivers of fruit production in palm species along environmental gradients in Central Amazonia. Acta oecologica 77: 75–84.
Pereira EB; Pinto-Ledezma JN; Freitas CG; Villalobos F; Collevatti RG; Maciel NM. 2017. Evolution of the anuran foam nest: trait conservatism and lineage diversification 2017. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122: 814–823.
Freitas CG; Dambros CS; Eiserhardt WL; Costa FRC; Svenning JC; Balslev H. 2014. Phylogenetic Structure of a Palm Community in the Central Amazon: Changes Along a Hydro-Edaphic Gradient. Plant ecology. 215: 1173-1185.
Stanton-Geddes J; Freitas CG; Dambros CS. 2014. In defense of P values: comment on the statistical methods actually used by ecologists. Ecology 95: 637–642.
Freitas CG; Camargo JLC; Dambros CS. 2013. Changes in seed rain across Atlantic Forest fragments in Northeast Brazil. Acta oecologica 53: 49–55.
Freitas CG; Costa FRC; Svenning JC; Balslev H. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon – does dispersal play a role? Acta Oecologica 39: 128–135.
Pezzini FF; Hendrigo P; Oliveira DMS; Amorim RX; Figueiredo F; Drucker D; Rodrigues F; Zuquim G; Emilio T; Costa F; Magnusson W; Sampaio A; Lima A; Garcia A; Manzatto A; Nogueira A; Costa C; Barbosa CE; Bernardes C; Castilho C; Cunha C; Freitas C; Cavalcante C; Brandão D; Rodrigues D; Santos E; Baccaro F; Ishida F; Carvalho F; Moulatlet G; Guillaumet JL; Pinto JL; Schietti J; Vale J; Belger L; Verdade L; Pansonato M; Nascimento M; Santos M; Cunha M; Arruda R; Barbosa R; Romero R; Pansin S; Pimentel T. 2012. The Brazilian Program for Biodiversity Research (PPBio) Information System Biodiversity & Ecology (Biodivers. Ecol.) In: Dengler J, Oldeland J, Jansen F et al. 4: 265–274.
Freitas CG; Brokamp G. Attalea speciosa, die Babassupalme. Der Palmengarten Pflanzen. Leben. Kultur 82/1