Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship Alumna
Dina Fagir
Country of origin: Sudan Currently in: South Africa, Pretoria General field of specialization: Biological Systems and OrganismsPhD Fellowship Alumna
2016 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2006 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2001 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Currently I am involved in project investigating Zoonotic tick-borne pathogens contribute to acute febrile illness in rural South Africa. My previous postdoctoral research fellowships focused on: investigating population ecology and lifespan of the Eastern rock sengi; investigating ectoparasite arthropods of the Mahali mole-rat and the effect of abiotic and biotic factors on parasite burdens; investigating population ecology and community structures of free-living ticks vs parasitic ticks. I am also involved in a current PhD project investigating the genetic characterization of Xenopsylla brasiliensis through DNA barcoding.
Publications resulting from Research:
Fagir, D.M., Horak, I.G., Ueckermann, E.A., Bennett, N.C. and Lutermann, H., 2015. Ectoparasite diversity in the eastern rock sengis (Elephantulus myurus): The effect of seasonality and host sex. African Zoology, 50 (2), pp.109-117
Lutermann, H., Fagir, D.M. and Bennett, N.C., 2015. Complex interactions within the ectoparasite community of the eastern rock sengi (Elephantulus myurus). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 4 (1), pp.148-158
Fagir, D.M., Ueckermann, E.A., Horak, I.G., Bennett, N.C. and Lutermann, H., 2014. The Namaqua rock mouse (Micaelamys namaquensis) as a potential reservoir and host of arthropod vectors of diseases of medical and veterinary importance in South Africa. Parasites and Vectors, 7, p.366
Fagir, D.M. and El‐Rayah, E.A., 2009. Parasites of the Nile rat in rural and urban regions of Sudan. Integrative zoology, 4 (2), pp.179-187
Current profession
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2008
In my PhD thesis entitled, Host-parasite interactions of two sympatric small mammals from South Africa, I conducted the first comprehensive study on the entire ectoparasite community of two sympatric and widespread small mammals in South Africa namely, Micaelamys namaquensis and Elephantulus myurus. This original study contributed to our understanding of the composition of ectoparasite communities of small mammals and the factors that influence these ectoparasite prevalence and abundance patterns. I was successful to obtain new data on the ectoparasite burdens of Micaelamys namaquensis and determine the dominant ectoparasite species. Furthermore, I investigated the effect of season and host sex on the composition of the Micaelamys namaquensis parasite community. My research recorded a new host and new locality records of three louse species and two mite species. The investigation of Elephantulus myurus ectoparasite assemblage resulted in a new mite and a new tick locality records. The factors affecting ectoparasite patterns of Elephantulus myurus were investigated for the first time, and I have conducted the first long term investigation of Elephantulus myurus ectoparasite community dynamics and their effect on host body condition.ThesisHost-parasite interactions of two sympatric small mammals from South Africa
Publications resulting from Fellowship