Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hassnae El Jarrari
Country of origin: Morocco Currently in: Switzerland, Geneva General field of specialization: Physics-
2023 Doctorate Physics2016 Master Physics2014 Undergraduate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchCern research fellowship in experimental physics
Workshop and Conference Attended
2023 Erice-Sicily in Italy International schools of subnuclear physics2023 Mumbai in India ICFA instrumentation school2020 Lausanne in Switzerland Sixth summer school on machine learning in high energy physics2020 Fermilab-CERN hadron collider physics2020 Archamps in France European school of instrumentation in particle & astroparticle physics2019 Jefferson laboratoy, Virginia in the USA 34th Annual hampton university graduate studies 20192018 Islamabad in Pakistan 7th school on LHC physics2018 Windhoek in Namibia The 5th biennial African school of physicsPresentation given
2022ATLAS and CMS dark matter searches: results and future opportunitiesBaden-Baden in GermanyEvent: 8th Symposium on prospects in the physics of discrete symmetries2021A High-Granularity timing detector for the ATLAS phase-II upgradeEvent: 30th International symposium on lepton photon interactions at high energies