Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ana Gabriela Del Hierro Calvachi
Country of origin: Ecuador Currently in: Ecuador, Quito General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2016 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Passionate about finding ways to preserve the environment, but also helping to enhance the social inequities in developing countries. Research focused on insect biotechnology as a tool to find strategies for human welfare and nutrition. I lead a research project to identify invertebrates that have the ability to convert organic and plastic wastes to reduce their impact on the environment.Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research-Create and manage the project "Bioconversion of organic solid waste and plastic through invertebrates to degrade waste into value-added products”, which was selected from 500 projects as one of the most promising ideas in Ecuador. -Coordinate and manage the first Germoplast bank in Ecuador to improve the management of the genetic resources and promote research and technology development (R&T) in biotechnology
Catálisis Online Magazine -
Other Awards
Jun 2014Excellence Scholarship- SENESCYTA beneficiary of the Ecuadorian Government's scholarship of excellence program to study a postgraduate degree in one of the top 100 universities in the world in AustraliaOct 2017Biotechnology leader of Latin America 2017I had the opportunity to be selected as one of the 100 young biotechnology leaders in Latin America and represent Ecuador at the first Biotechnology Leaders Summit in Santiago, Chile, in 2017.Oct 2018Ecuadorian Ambassador- AllbiotechI was selected as a representative of the leaders in biotechnology in Ecuador to support the organization and formation of AllbiotechOct 2019Bioleader MIT 2019I was selected as one of the world's bio-leaders to participate in the MIT Innovation Summit in Boston 2019 More info: 2019Unleash Talent 2019I had the opportunity to represent Ecuador as part of the 1000 talents in the world to participate in the Unleash Innovation Lab in Shenzhen China in 2019Oct 2019Latin America Champion of ScienceIn December 2019 she was awarded in the event of the 70th anniversary of UNESCO in Montevideo Uruguay as one of the winners of the first contest of scientific narrative in Latin America Champion of Science of Johnson & Johnson. More info: 2020Unleash AmbassadorI was selected to represent the Andes as one of the ambassadors to lead spaces that encourage youth participation around the Development GoalsNov 2018GRANT- INEDITA PROJECTSelected as a beneficiary of the INEDITA research funding call from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology for the execution of the project on "Bioconversion of organic and plastic waste from invertebrates in Ecuador". Total funding of $139,680 USD, 2018-2021