Member Profile

Membership type: full
Jhandra Melissa Díaz López
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Colombia, Bogotá General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2017 Master Engineering sciences2011 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Research about policies of women in CTI. Girls' motivation in science
Publications resulting from Research:
The challenge of a country with more scientific women.
La situación actual de las mujeres en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, matemáticas, artes, diseño e innovación (STEAM) ha mejorado si la comparamos con la situación de nuestras bisabuelas, abuelas o madres.
De hecho, la mayor parte de estudiantes de las universidades son mujeres y cada vez conocemos más casos de científicas en posiciones de liderazgo. ¿Por qué, entonces, tanto interés en promover la motivación de las niñas en actividades STEAM?
Current profession
Current professional activities type:IndustryI am a professional guided by interdisciplinarity, mainly interested in solving problems that affect my milieu and in continuous learning. I am bachelor and MSc in electronic engineering and currently I am cursing a specialization in state, public policies and development. My experience is based on the role as project manager and consultant that I have assumed in the development of projects concerning to technological transformation in both private and state organizations and in traditional and agile environments. In addition, I perform independently as a consultant and researcher in projects related to sustainable development.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Bogotá Speaker : Promoting girl’s interest in STEAM at the members of group Women for Science de InterAmerican Network of Academies of Science.2017 Bogotá Lecturer of the Cathedra : Technology as a key author in the construction of Peace Cathedra ”The role of ICT and education in peacebuildingAffiliations
Colombian Network of Women Scientists -
Other Awards
Apr 2018First place. 6a Mission of tendencies - Advanced technologies for the public (Case study: Community energy networksThe Digital Public Innovation Center invites you to participate this year in a new challenge through which it is intended that the participants "get out of the box", through the search and analysis of information, on the cases they decide to present. For this, We propose a case in which emerging technologies are used to solve issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals and that you seek the opinion of two experts: one in technology, who can help analyze the case and the trend you selected, and another (non-technological) of the sector of application of your case, in such a way that you can analyze it from different perspectives and thus, obtain inputs to propose the scope that the application of said technology can have in Colombia.Sep 2016Call for women engineering interns. Selected for Social Engineering Internship.Wind Empowerment, an international association for the promotion of small wind turbines and rural electrification needs you. We have two internship positions dedicated for South American women in engineering courses in one of our projects. Social Engineering Internship (1 month - September 2016) - The mission of this internship is to devise a dissemination strategy for the open-source technology currently being developed by Wind Empowerment. The candidate must have knowledge in Social Sciences, Economics and some notions of Engineering. Market Assessment experience is a plus. The internship can take place in Colombia, but the student will also be supervised by a Wind Empowerment Member online. There are no traveling costs are covered and the student will have a scholarship for daily expenses.