Member Profile

Membership type: full
Manisha Choudhury
Country of origin: India Currently in: India, JORHAT General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2017 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2006 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
1. Iron Deficiency Anaemia- Analysis of risk factors 2. Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre for addressing Severe Acute Malnutrition-A process analysis 3. Nutritional assessment of children from a flood plain region of North East India 4. Infant and Young Child Feeding practices of mothers and frontline health workers and its association with nutritional outcomes of under-five children: A KAP study
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Manisha Choudhury*& Barman N.N (2016). Health & Nutrition Status in Tea Gardens of Assam: Brewing a cup of Tea. Published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-659-92793-5)
2. Manisha Choudhury*, Pranati Das & Basanti Baroova (2015). Standardization of Indigenous millet processing technology –A sustainable approach for food security. Book Chapter in Advances in Plant Research. Published by Eastern Book House (EBH) and University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya.
3. Manisha Choudhury*. (2010). Nutritional Evaluation of Popped and Malted Indigenous Foxtail Millet: A study from North East India. Germany, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH& Co.KG.
1. Konwar P, Vyas N, Hossain SS, Gore MN, Choudhury M. Nutritional status of adolescent girls belonging to the tea garden estates of Sivasagar district, Assam, India. Indian J Community, Med 2019;44(3):238-42. doi: 10.4103/ijcm.IJCM_357_18
2. Mahanta L. B, Choudhury M*, Borthakur S, Bhagabati R and Gogoi P (2015). Can communication media improve the KAP status of frontline health workers? A cross- sectional study on MCH indicators from Assam, India. South East Asia Journal of Public Health. 5 (2): 57-64.
3. Mahanta LB, Choudhury M, Devi A, Bhattacharya A. (2015). On the study of pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) and weight gain as indicators of nutritional status of pregnant women belonging to low socio-economic category: A study from Assam. Indian J Community Med; 40 (2):198-202. (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 1.661)
4. Choudhury, M*.,Barua I.C & Das P. (2012). Comparative study on indigenous verities of Setariaitalica grown in Assam, India. J Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36 (2): 244-249.
5. Choudhury M*., Das P. and Baroova B. (2011). “Nutritional Evaluation of Popped and Malted indigenous millet of Assam”. J Food Sci Technol, 48(6):706–711. (Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 1.849, NAAS rating: 7.85)
6. Choudhury, M*.,Mahanta, L., Goswami, J. & Mazumder, M. (2011). Will capacity building training interventions given to street food vendors give us safer food?: A cross-sectional study from India. Food Control, 22 (8), 1233-1239. (Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 4.420, NAAS rating: 10.36)
7. Choudhury, M*.,Mahanta, L., Goswami, J., Mazumder, M., &Pegoo, B. (2011). Socioeconomic profile and Food safety knowledge and practice of street food vendors in the city of Guwahati, Assam, India. Food Control, 22 (2), 196-203. (Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 4.420, NAAS rating: 10.36)
* Corresponding Author
1. Guidelines of Emergency Response System (ERS) for strengthening Weekly Iron & Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) programme in Assam published by National Health Mission (NHM), Assam and UNICEF (2014) (Both in English and Assamese)
2. Guidelines for Enhancing Infant& Young Child Feeding in Assam published by Social Welfare Department, Govt. of Assam Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Assam (2013)
3. Action Research on Street Food Safety published in National Report on “Action Research on Street Food Safety; a capacity Building Project on Street Food Services”, sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. Of India. (July’2006-Nov’2007)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationOtherI am an Assistant Professor at Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat . In coming years, I see myself in teaching, research, extension education focusing on the interdisciplinary approach in the field of Community Nutrition. Before joining in academia, I had more than thirteen years of experience in Public health and nutrition programme, data management and analysis. Possesses strong skills related to coordination, policy development, research design, data analysis, advocacy, program management, and emergency preparedness and response.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 New Delhi, India 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health2012 New Delhi, India World Breastfeeding Conference2018 Hyderabad, India National Workshop on Millet2015 Bangalore, India International Course in Nutrition Research Methods organized by St. Johns Research Institute,Bangalore, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA and Tufts University School of Medicines, Boston, USA under Bangalore Boston Nutrition Collaborative2014 Barog, Himachal Pradesh, India South Asia Regional Workshop on “Strengthening Infant and Young Child Feeding Policies and Programmes in South Asia Region” organized by BPNI2010 Tokyo, Japan Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES) programAffiliations
Street Food Global NetworkBreastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)Nutrition Society of IndiaAssociation of Food Scientists & TechnologistsPresentation given
2009Standardization of Indigenous millet processing technology –A livelihood approachGuwahati, IndiaEvent: National Conference on Indigenous Technology, Livelihood Options and Habitat Utilization; Concepts and Perspectives of Development, organized by IGNOU in collaboration with NECRD (North East Centre for Research and Development)2008Nutritional Evaluation of Popped and Malted indigenous millet of AssamAssam Agricultural University, Jorhat, IndiaEvent: National Seminar on “Emerging trends and opportunities in grain processing sector with reference to North-Eastern states” organized by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT), Tamilnadu, Ministry of Food processing Industries, Govt.of India -
Other Awards
Mar 2010Travel grant and Scholarship from ACTIS (Activating Talent in Sustainability), Zurich to attend Sustainability course in JapanThis is a travel and Scholarship for attending Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES) course hosted by ACTIS, a Spin-off organization of ETH Zürich, in collaboration with Hosei University / Tokyo, and the Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS) – a sustainable development research partnership between the ETH Zürich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Tokyo (UT) and Chalmers Technical University in Göteborg /Sweden