Member Profile

Membership type: full
Guiselle Carlos Villela
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Cobán General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2021 Master Chemical Sciences2018 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences2016 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
July 2021. Quality parameters and content of bioactive compounds in juices from new red-fleshed orange varieties, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of The Spanish National Research Council, University of Valencia, Spain. Financed by Carolina Foundation scolarship
Publications resulting from Research:
Carlos-Villela, G., (2021). Obtaining and processing juices from new orange varieties with red pulp: quality parameters and content of bioactive compounds. [Master's Thesis, University of Valencia]. Institutional Repository – University of Valencia.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingRafael Landivar University
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 España VIII Training Day in Toxicology2019 Guatemala Cleaner production as a tool for Integrated Watershed Management2018 Guatemala Third International Congress: Economic Sustainability for the Conservation of Natural Resources.2017 Guatemala Oral communication2017 Santiago de Chile Management of Sanitary Risks and Biological Invasions for food and nutritional security, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)2017 Brazil Family Farming in Latin America and the Caribbean: Key Sector for Food Security. By FAO and the Government of Brasil.2016 Guatemala Tools to improve your persuasive communication2013 Guatemala Conference quality2013 Guatemala Microbiology Quality Control2012 Guatemala HACCP system management certification -
Other Awards
Sep 2020Carolina Foundation Scholarship WinnerWinner of a Carolina Foundation scholarship to study the University Master's Degree in Food Quality and Safety at the University of Valencia, 2020-2021.Oct 2018Academic distinction Magna Cum Laude 2018Academic Distinction Magna Cum Laude 2018 in Bachelor of Marketing, Rafael Landívar University.May 2019Winner of scholarship to study the Training Program by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Government of JapanRepresentation of Guatemala in the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management program in Japan.Oct 2019Participation in activity financed by CSIC and AECID.Representation of Guatemala in the course Safety, quality and functionality, challenges of food innovation in Latin America, in Cartagena, Colombia provided by The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).