Member Profile

Julie Andrea Benavides Melo
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Colombia, Pasto General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences- Academic Background
2011 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2010 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms - Research and Profession
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Professor and Researcher of the Facuty of Medicine at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia branch Pasto. Here I also lead the line of Tropical Medicine of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Health-Disease (GIISE by its acronym in Spanish), and I have a small group of students called "Jacinto Convit" who are trained in research and tropical and infectious diseases. I am also the Coordinator of Internationalization of the Faculty. I am PI of different projects and I participate and have interest on projects of regional, national and international impact. I am also the Representative of the Pacific Region of the Colombian Network of Scientific Women (RCMC by its acronym in Spanish) due to my interesest in women's motivation for Science.
Publications resulting from Research:
• Pardo-Villamizar CA, González-Manrique G, Jiménez-Arango JA, Lizarazo-Nino JF, López-González R, Zea-Vera AF, Ramos-Burbano GE, García-Domínguez MA, Benavides-Melo JA, Parra-Patiño B, Osorio L. GBS after the Zika-outbreak in Colombia: The newcomer is gone but the problem continues! (P2.6-039). Neurology. 2019;92(15) Supplem 2.6-039
• Salas LA, Montenegro FA, Benavides JA. Epidemiological profile of the municipalities of Leiva, Policarpa and The Andes - Nariño, beneficiaries of the Alternative Program of Rural Development for the Construction of Peace. Book chapter. Accepted for publication (pending this year). UNIMINUTO Editorial.
• Benavides JA, Rodríguez GJ, Rosero CY, Montenegro FA, Chaves SG. Clinical Manifestations of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and its relation to Chikungunya and Zika. Ecuadorian Journal of Neurology. 2018;27(2):39-44.
• Benavides JA, Cerón XA. Oral health in vulnerable populations. Criterios. 2017;24(1):381-94.
• Benavides JA, Hidalgo PD, Arroyo CG, Argotty E. Stomatognathic system alterations related to dental and medical practice. Cuban Journal of Hygiene and Epidemiology. 2016;54(3).
• Benavides JA, Ojeda JC, Yela DF, Bolaños DM, Rodríguez S. Oral health status in adult patients in relation to their level of depression. Colombian Journal of Research in Dentistry. 2016;7(20):62-75.
• Benavides JA. Climate change as a determinant of the distribution of malaria. Curare. 2015;2(2):1-29
• Chamorro AC, Benavides JA, Ruiz MM, Chamorro RF. Sex differences in stomatognathic system diseases. Journal of Dental Research. 2014;93:1524
• Mafla AC, Benavides JA, Ruiz MM, Chamorro RF. Sex differences in stomatognathic system diseases. Journal of Dental Research. 2014;93:1524.
• Perugache CD, Rosero LD, Ruano DA, Yépez DF, Benavides JA. Obstetric complications in pregnant women with vaginal infections treated at the Hospital Civil de Pasto. UNIMAR Journal. 2013;(61):133-38.
• Apráez MA, Araujo IA, Belalcazar J, Guerrero DM, Benavides JA.
Depression in adolescents of the Educational Institution Pedro León Torres in Yacuanquer (Nariño, Colombia), 2012. UNIMAR Journal. 2012;(59):75-82.
• Benavides JA, van Hellemond, JJ, de Vlas SJ. Schistosoma prevalences in field infected snails and their association with human prevalences [Master's Thesis]. 2011.
• Corredor V, Murillo C, Echeverry DF, Benavides JA, Pearce R, Roper C, Guerra A, Osorio L. Origin and dissemination across Colombian Andes mountain range of Plasmodium falciparum Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine resistance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010 Aug;54(8):3121-5.
• Benavides JA, Echeverry D. Point mutations in the dhfr and dhps genes as molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum populations resistant to the antimalarial Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine in the Amazon / Orinoquia and the Pacific coast of Colombia. [Undergraduate thesis of Biology]. 2010.
• Murillo C, Echeverry DF, Benavides JA, Osorio L, Corredor, V. Genetic nature and dissemination of Plasmodium falciparum resistant to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Colombia. Biomédica. 2009;29(1):186.
• Echeverry D, Benavides JA, Ochoa JA, Osorio L. Determination of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Pfdhfr and Pfdhps genes of Plasmodium falciparum associated with resistance in vivo and in vitro to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in regions endemic for malaria in Colombia Biomédica. 2007;27(Supl. 2):138-9.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education Study
Colombian Network of Scientific Women