Member Profile

Membership type: full
Isini Kawshalya Bamunusingha Arachchige Dona
Country of origin: Sri Lanka Currently in: Sri Lanka, Neboda General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2020 Undergraduate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Role of miRNA, particularly miR-150, as a Biomarker in Various Stages of COVID-19. (MSc Second Year research project - Final Results are Pending) - Conduct an in-depth investigation into the potential of miRNA, specifically miR-150, as a robust biomarker for distinct stages of COVID-19. Perform advanced analytical methodologies, including meta-analysis, differential gene expression analysis using the R programming language, and gene enrichment analysis encompassing Gene Ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway analysis. Respective supervisor- Prof. Nimanthi Jayathilaka, Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya.
Publications resulting from Research:
''Mobile Phone Usage and Common Health Impacts'' B.A.D Isini Kawshalya, Bhagya Manjaree, Egwin.J. Eugene,
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, Vol. 7 No. 1; January 2020,
''Prevalence of Gastritis Among Sri Lankan University student Due To 'Study- Stress' '' Kawshalya B. A. D. I,
Gunathilaka R. M. N, Manjaree H. S. B, Book of Abstract - Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
(APACPH) Conference, Colombo, December 202
Current profession
Current professional activities type:AdministrationTeachingHigher Education StudyWorking as a lecture and program coordinator, Conducting lectures for HND (Pearson) Biology, and Delivering Genomics and Bioinformatics for Final year in Biomedical Science and Biotechnology under Edgehill University UK, Australian Foundation Year (AFY), Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD- Canadian Diploma), Certificate in Molecular Biology Programs. Coordinating and oversee all the aspects of the Pre- Biomed program and Certificate in Molecular Biology Program .