Member Profile

Membership type: full
Shiella Balbutin
Country of origin: Philippines Currently in: Philippines, Laguindingan General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2019 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current profession
Current professional activities type:AdministrationTeaching1. Director, Office of International Cooperation and Networking • Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City (01 June 2020-Present) • Leading the Office of International Cooperation and Networking, facilitating global partnerships and collaborations, enhancing the university's international presence, and fostering meaningful connections within the academic community. 2. Assistant Professor V - Development Communication Department • College of Agriculture, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City (November 1996 - Present) • Serves as Assistant Professor V within the esteemed Development Communication Department, contributing to the academic growth and development of students, and engaging in scholarly activities.
Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA)European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE)Southeast Asian Media Studies Association (SEAMSA) -
Other Awards
Nov 2016PhD FellowshipPhD Fellowship Awardee • Awarded a prestigious PhD Fellowship for the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication at the University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy. • Duration: 01 November 2016-31 October 2019 • PhD Research Mobility Grantee - Granted a research mobility opportunity during the PhD program, conducting valuable research at the University of Ottawa, Canada. • Duration: 01 July-31 October 2018Oct 2015EMA StarRecognized with the Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA) Star Award for exceptional dedication and service to the association, an acknowledgment of commitment and outstanding contributions.Jun 2004Training FellowshipTraining Fellowship - Received a Training Fellowship from the Netherlands Fellowships Programme (NUFFIC). • Refresher Course on Broadcast Production on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health – Getting their Stories Right, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2015 • Refresher Course on Fresh Approaches to Broadcast Training and Education, Anna University, Chennai, India, 2008 • Training of Trainers on Radio and Television, Radio Nederlands Training Centre (RNTC), Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2004Jun 2011Scholarship RecipientScholarship Recipient • Awarded a scholarship for the Media Studies Program (Graduate Course) at the International Summer School, University of Oslo, Norway, 2011Sep 2005Erasmus Mundus ScholarshipErasmus Mundus Scholarship • Received the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship from the European Commission, supporting academic pursuits during the period of 2005-2007.