Member Profile

Membership type: full
Gabriela Amodeo
Country of origin: Argentina Currently in: Argentina, Bueno Aires General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
1994 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Plant biology - biophysics - water relations - aquaporins
Publications resulting from Research:
Last 15 years
- Ricardo Aroca, Gabriela Amodeo, Silvia Fernández-Illescas, Eliot M. Herman, François Chaumont and Maarten Chrispeels. The role of aquaporins and membrane damage in chilling and hydrogen peroxide induced changes in the hydraulic conductance of maize roots. Plant Physiology (2005) 137(1):341-53.
- Moira Sutka, Karina Alleva, Mario Parisi and Gabriela Amodeo.Tonoplast vesicles of Beta vulgaris storage root show functional aquaporins regulated by protons. Biology of the Cell (2005) 97(11):837-846
- Karina Alleva, Christa M. Niemietz, Moira Sutka, Christophe Maurel, Mario Parisi, Stephen D. Tyerman and Gabriela Amodeo. Plasma membrane vesicles of Beta vulgaris storage root show high water channel activity that is regulated by cytoplasmic pH, and a dual range of calcium concentrations Journal of Experimental Botany (2006) 57(3):609-21
- Karina Alleva and Gabriela Amodeo. Aquaporins in the plant kingdom: the regulatory mechanisms revisited. Physiological Mini-Reviews. (2006) 1(7):58-69.
- Paula Mut, Claudia Bustamante, Gustavo Martínez, Karina Alleva, Moira Sutka, Marcos Civello and Gabriela Amodeo. A fruit specific plasma membrane aquaporin subtype PIP1;1 is regulated during strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) fruit ripening Physiologia Plantarum (2008) 132(4):538-51
- María Victoria Espelt, Karina Alleva, Gabriela Amodeo, Gerhard Krumschnabel, Rolando C. Rossi and Pablo J. Schwarzbaum. Volumetric response of vertebrate hepatocytes challenged by osmotic gradients:a theoretical approach. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B(2008) 150:103-111
- Gabriela Soto, Karina Alleva, Agustina Mazzella, Gabriela Amodeo and Jorge Muschietti. AtTIP1;3 and AtTIP5;1, the only highly expressed Arabidopsis pollen-specific aquaporins, transport water and urea(2008)FEBS Lett528: 4077-4082
- Karina Alleva, Osvaldo Chara, Moira Sutka and Gabriela Amodeo. Analysis of the source of heterogeneity in the osmotic response of plant membrane vesicles European Biophysics Journal(2009)38(2):175-184
- Ricardo Aroca, Alberto Bago, Moira Sutka, José Antonio Paz, Custodia Cano, Gabriela Amodeo, Juan Manuel Ruiz-Lozano. Expression Analysis of the First Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Aquaporin Described Reveals Communication between Salt Stressed and non Stressed MyceliumMolecular Plant-Microbe Interactions(2009)22(9):1169-1178
- Jorge Bellati, Karina Alleva, Gabriela Soto, Victoria Vitali, Cintia Jozefcowicz, Gabriela Amodeo. Intracellular pH sensing is altered by plasma membrane PIP aquaporin co-expression (2010) Plant Molecular Biology74(1-2):105-118
- Karina Alleva, Mercedes Marquez, Natalia Villarreal, Paula Mut, Claudia Bustamante, Jorge Bellati, Gustavo Martínez, Marcos Civello, Gabriela Amodeo. Cloning, functional characterization and co-expression studies of a novel aquaporin (FaPIP2;1) of strawberry fruit Journal of Experimental Botany(2010) 14:3935-45
- Gabriela Soto, Romina Fox, Nicolas Ayub, Karina Alleva, Francisco Guaimas, Elizabeth Jares Erijman, Agustina Mazzella, Gabriela Amodeo,Jorge Muschietti. TIP5;1 is a pollen specific mitochondrial tonoplast intrinsic protein involved in nitrogen mobilization in pollen Plant Journal(2010) 64(6):1038-1047 (impact factor =6.493 /JRK=0.968)
- Karina Alleva, Mercedes Marquez, Jorge Bellati, Natalia Villarreal, Claudia Bustamante, Gustavo Martinez, Marcos Civello, Amodeo Gabriela. Could an understanding of the strawberry softening process benefit from aquaporins? Special issue on Genomics, Transgenics, Molecular Breeding and Biotechnology of Strawberry, Global Science Books, Ltd., UK (2011) Genes, Genomes and Genomics 5:49-55
- Gabriela Soto, Karina Alleva, Gabriela Amodeo, Jorge Muschietti, Nicolás Ayub. New insight into the evolution of aquaporins from flowering plants and vertebrates: orthologous identification and functional transfer is possible new insight into the phylogeny of aquaporins Gene(2012) 503(1):165-176
- Karina Alleva, Osvaldo Chara, Gabriela Amodeo. Aquaporins: another piece in the osmotic puzzle. FEBS Letters (2012)586: 2991–2999
- Cintia Jozefkowicz, Pablo Rosi, Lorena Sigaut, Soto Gabriela, Lía Isabel Pietrasanta, Gabriela Amodeo, Karina Alleva.Loop A is critical for the functional interaction of two Beta vulgaris PIP aquaporins" by. PLOS ONE (2013)8(3):e57993. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057993.
- Juliana Perez, Gabriela Soto, Karina Alleva, Cintia Jozefkowicz, Gabriela Amodeo,Jorge P Muschietti, Nicolás D Ayub.Prediction of aquaporin function by integrating evolutionary and functional analyses.Journal of Membrane Biology(2014) 247(2):107-25 DOI: 10.1007/s00232-013-9618-8)
- Agustín Yaneff, Lorena Sigaut, Mercedes Marquez, Karina Alleva, Lía Pietrasanta, Gabriela Amodeo. Heteromerization of plant aquaporins affects their intrinsic permeability.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2014)111(1):231-6 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1316537111
- Agustin Yaneff, Victoria Vitali, Gabriela Amodeo.PIP1 aquaporins: intrinsic water channels or PIP2 aquaporin modulators? FEBS Letters (2015) 589(23):3508-3515 DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2015.10.018
- Victoria Vitali, Jorge Bellati, Gabriela Soto, Nicolás Daniel Ayub, Gabriela Amodeo. Root hydraulic conductivity and stomatal conductance crosstalk: hydraulic strategy in Beta vulgaris response to salt stress AoB Plants (2015) 7:plv136 doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv136ISSN 2041-2851, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK
- Cintia Jozefkowicz, Lorena Sigaut, Florencia Scochera, Gabriela Soto, Nicolas Ayub, Lía Isabel Pietrasanta, Gabriela Amodeo, Luis González Flecha, Karina Alleva. PIP water transport and its pH dependence are regulated by tetramer stoichiometry. Biophysical Journal (2016) 110: 1312-1321
- Moira Sutka, Milena Manzur, Victoria Vitali, Sandra Micheletto, Gabriela Amodeo. Evidence for the involvement of hydraulic root or shoot adjustments as mechanisms underlying water deficit tolerance in two Sorghum bicolor genotypes. Journal of Plant Physiology (2016) 192:13–20
- Juliana Andrea Pérez Di Giorgio, Gerd Patrick Bienert, Nicolás Daniel Ayub, Agustín Yaneff, María Laura Barberini, Martín Alejandro Mecchia, Gabriela Amodeo, Gabriela Cynthia Soto, Jorge Prometeo Muschietti. Pollen-specific aquaporins NIP4;1 and NIP4;2 are required for reproduction in Arabidopsis thaliana.The Plant Cell (2016) 28: 1053-1077.
- Agustín Yaneff, Lorena Sigaut, Natalia Gomez, Ana Cecilia Aliaga Fandiño, Karina Alleva, Lía Isabel Pietrasanta, Gabriela Amodeo. Loop B serine of a plasma membrane aquaporin type PIP2 but not PIP1 plays a key role in pH sensing. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2016)1858: 2778–2787
- Victoria Vitali, Moira Sutka, Gabriela Amodeo, Osvaldo Chara, Marcelo Ozu. The water to solute permeability ratio governs the osmotically driven volume changes in beetroot vacuoles under different pH conditions and determines the relationship between steady volume and pH. Frontiers in Plant Science (2016) Section Plant Biophysics and Modeling 7:1388.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01388
- Juliana Andrea Pérez Di Giorgio, María Laura Barberini, Gabriela Amodeo, Jorge Prometeo Muschietti. Pollen aquaporins: What are they there for? Plant Signaling & Behavior (2016) Vol 11, Iss 9. e1217375
- Juliana Andrea Pérez Di Giorgio, Gabriela Soto, Jorge Prometeo Muschietti, Gabriela Amodeo. Pollen aquaporins: the solute factor. Frontiers in Plant Science (2016) Vol 7 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01659
- Moira Sutka, Gabriela Amodeo(*), Marcelo Ozu. Plant and animal aquaporins crosstalk: what can be revealed from distinct perspectives. Biophysical Reviews (2017) 1-18 DOI:10.1007/s12551-017-0313-3 Germany, Springer-Verlag ISSN 1867-2469 (*)corresponding author
- Esteban Tubert, Victoria Vitali, MS Alvarez, Federico A Tubert, Irene Baroli, Gabriela Amodeo. Synthesis and evaluation of a superabsorbent-fertilizer composite for maximizing the nutrient and water use efficiency in forestry plantations. Journal of Environmental Management (2018) 210:239-254. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.062 issn 0301-4797
- Marcelo Ozu, Luciano Galizia, Cynthia Acuña, Gabriela Amodeo. Aquaporins: more than functional monomers in a tetrameric arrangement. Cells, Special Issue: Aquaporins. MDPI Basel, Switzerland (ISSN 2073-4409; CODEN: CELLC6) IF4.828. Cells (2018), 7(11), 209;