Member Profile
Aziza Merag Adam Ali
Country of origin: Sudan Currently in: Sudan, WAD MEDANI General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2010 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on vegetable tissue,resistance to diseases and insect ,post-harvest and storage practices Despite the significant importance of fertilizers in increasing productivity, and quality, especially nitrogen fertilizers However, the earrings in use have led to numerous problems related to the environment and health of humans and plants The study is concerned with the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on plant tissues and the extent of damage caused by excessive use and its effect on the plant in terms of thickness of the tissues and increase of juice especially in vegetables and therefore the effect on plant health and post-harvest transactions, storage and cooling
Publications resulting from Research:
Current profession
Current professional activities type:AdministrationCurrent work tn the department of Extension and technology transfer in Ministry of Agriculture in Gezira state -sudan
Workshop and Conference Attended
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), University of Khartoum, 03th -04th February 2018. Management of Food Contamination and Hygiene, University of Khartoum 5th – 6th February 2018. Biogas and Agricultural Waste Management, Shando – China, 01thAffiliations
Member of the Sudanese Environmental Society . •