Member Profile

Membership type: full
OWSD Award
Ghanya Naji Mohammed Al-Naqeb
Country of origin: Yemen Currently in: Italy, PAVIA General field of specialization: Biological Systems and OrganismsOWSD Award
2009 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
-Biodiversity, as a source for human health and medicine. -Functional foods and nutraceuticals development for diseases prevention. -Bioactive compounds extraction, determination, identification and application. -Natural antioxidants and antioxidant activity. -Research on safety evaluation and genotoxicity assessment. -Research on the biological activity and molecular mechanisms of functional foods and traditional herbal medicine used by Committee in the area of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, lipid accumulation, oxidative stress and cancer
Publications resulting from Research:
A- Publications with peer review process:
1. Kalmpourtzidou, A.; De Giuseppe, R.; Vincenti, A.; Al-Naqeb, G.; Cena, H. The Effect of Nature-Based Solutions on Human Nutrition and Food Security in Urban Settings. Proceedings 2023, 91, 214.
2. Al-Naqeb, G.; Kalmpourtzidou, A.; De Giuseppe, R.; Cena, H. Beneficial Effects of Plant Oils Supplementation on Multiple Sclerosis: A Comprehensive Review of Clinical and Experimental Studies. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4827. https://
3. Al-Naqeb, G., Cafarella, C., Aprea, E., Ferrentino, G., Gasparini, A., Buzzanca, C., Micalizzi, G., Dugo, P., Mondello, L., Rigano, F. (2023). Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Oils from Cactus Opuntia ficus-indica L. and Opuntia dillenii Seeds. Foods, 12, 618.
4. Al-Naqeb, G., Sidarovich, V., Scrinzi, D., Mazzeo, I., Robbiati, S., Pancher, M., Fiori, L., & Adami, V. (2022). Hydrochar and hydrochar co-compost from OFMSW digestate for soil application: 3. Toxicological evaluation. Journal of environmental management, 320, 115910.
5. Al-Naqeb, G.; Fiori, L.; Ciolli, M.; Aprea, E. (2021). Prickly Pear Seed Oil Extraction, Chemical Characterization and Potential Health Benefits. Molecules, 26, 5018.
6. Al-Naqeb, G. (2020). Antioxidants activity and cholesterol regulation effect of Caralluma flava N.E.Br extract in HepG2 cells. Arabian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 6(3), 57-75. doi:
7. Kaokabah, N., Al-Qubati, A., Al-Naqeb, G. (2020). Anti-Obesity Effects of Pulicaria Jaubertii E. Gamal-Eldin in High Fat Diet-Induced Rats. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 5, no. 5, Nov. doi:
8. Al-Naqeb, G. (2017). Acute toxicity and anti-ulcerative potential of caralluma flava N.E.Br methanolic extract against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. 5(6): 21-25.
9. Al-Naqeb, G. (2017). Caralluma flava N.E.Br extract reduces plasma glucose level and improves plasma antioxidant enzymes in hyperglycemic rats. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. 5(6): 39-43. 2017.
10. Al-Naqeb, G., Taj Al- Deen, A. (2017). The effect of Rumex nervosus Vahl leaves on high fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in albino rats. International Journal of Chemical Science. 1(2), 80-83.
11. Al-Naqeb, G., Rousová, J., Kubátová, A., & Picklo, M. J., Sr (2016). Pulicaria jaubertii E. Gamal-Eldin reduces triacylglyceride content and modifies cellular antioxidant pathways in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Chemico-biological interactions, 253, 48–59.
12. Al-Naqeb, G. (2015). Effect of prickly pear cactus seeds oil on the blood glucose level of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and its molecular mechanisms. International Journal of Herbal Medicine. 3(4): 2934.
13. Al-Naqeb, G. (2015). Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Some Yemeni Medicinal Plants. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2015; 3(3): 06-11.
14. Mohd Ghazali, M. A., Al-Naqeb, G., Krishnan Selvarajan, K., Hazizul Hasan, M., & Adam, A. (2014). Apoptosis Induction by Polygonum minus is related to antioxidant capacity, alterations in expression of apoptotic-related genes, and S-phase cell cycle arrest in HepG2 cell line. BioMed research international, 2014, 539607.
15. Wesam, R. K., Ghanya, A. N., Mizaton, H. H., Ilham, M., & Aishah, A. (2013). Assessment of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of standardized aqueous extract from leaves of Erythroxylum cuneatum in human HepG2 and WRL68 cells line. Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine, 6(10), 811–816.
16. Taj Al- Deen, A., Al-Naqeb, G., Al-Maqtari. Q., (2013). Potential antioxidants and antibacterial from Dodonaea viscose, Fragaria x ananassa duch and Vernonia amygdalina leaves. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 17, 2013.
17. Azahar, M. A., Al-Naqeb, G., Hasan, M., & Adam, A. (2012). Hypoglycemic effect of Octomeles sumatrana aqueous extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and its molecular mechanisms. Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine, 5(11), 875–881.
18. John, C. M., Ramasamy, R., Al Naqeeb, G., Dhiab Al-Nuaimi, A. H., & Adam, A. (2012). Enhanced CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells with splenic proliferation and protection against oxidative stress by nicotinamide in gestational diabetes. Current medicinal chemistry, Advance online publication.
19. John, C. M., Ramasamy, R., Al Naqeeb, G., Al-Nuaimi, A. H., & Adam, A. (2012). Nicotinamide supplementation protects gestational diabetic rats by reducing oxidative stress and enhancing immune responses. Current medicinal chemistry, 19(30), 5181–5186.
20. Al-Naqeep, G., Al-Zubairi, A. S., Ismail, M., Amom, Z. H., & Esa, N. M. (2011). Antiatherogenic Potential of Nigella sativa Seeds and Oil in Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemia in Rabbits. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM, 2011, 213628.
21. Ismail, N., Ismail, M., Al-Absi A., Al-Naqeeb, G. (2011). Thymoquinone rich fraction from Nigella sativa and thymoquinone are cytotoxic towards colon and leukemic carcinoma cell lines. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2011, Vol. 5(15), 3359–3366.
22. Al-Naqeb, G. Ismail, M., Bagalkotkar, G., Adamu, H. (2010). Vanillin rich fraction regulates LDLR and HMGCR genes expression in HepG2 cells. Food Research International 43 2437–2443.
23. Ismail, M., Al-Naqeep, G., Chan, K. W. (2010). Nigella sativa thymoquinone-rich fraction greatly improves plasma antioxidant capacity and expression of antioxidant genes in hypercholesterolemic rats. Free radical biology & medicine, 48(5), 664–672.
24. Mariod, A.A., Al-Naqeep, G., Ismail, M. (2010). Monechma ciliatum methanolic extract regulates low density lipoprotein receptor and 3-hydroxy-3- methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase genes expression in HepG2 cells. 9(36) 5813-5819.
25. Ismail, M., Al-Naqeeb, G., Mamat, W. A., & Ahmad, Z. (2010). Gamma-oryzanol rich fraction regulates the expression of antioxidant and oxidative stress related genes in stressed rat's liver. Nutrition & metabolism, 7, 23.
26. Al-Naqeep, G., Ismail, M., & Allaudin, Z. (2009). Regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase gene expression by thymoquinone-rich fraction and thymoquinone in HepG2 cells. Journal of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, 2(4-5), 163–172.
27. Al-Naqeep, G., Ismail, M. (2009). Effects of Thymoquinone Rich Fraction and Thymoquinone on plasma lipoprotein level and hepatic low-density lipoprotein receptor and 3-Hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase gene expression. Journal of Functional Foods 1 (2009) 298–303.
28. Al-Naqeep, G.N., M.M. Ismail, A.S. Al-Zubairi and N.M. Esa. (2009). Nutrients composition and minerals content of three different samples of Nigella sativa L. cultivated in Yemen. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 43-48.
29. Al-Naqeep, G., Ismail, M., (2009). Regulation of Apolipoprotien A-1 and Apolipoprotien B100 Genes by Thymoquinone Rich Fraction and Thymoquinone in HepG2 Cells. Journal of Food Lipids16(2009) 245–258.
30. Al-Naqeeb, G., M. Ismail and A.S. Al-Zubairi. (2009). Fatty acid profile, α-tocopherol content and total antioxidant activity of oil extracted from Nigella sativa seeds. International Journal of Pharmacology. 5 (4): 244-250. Impact factor 0.751.
31. Yazan, L.S., Ng, W.K., Al-Naqeeb, G., Ismail, M. (2009). Cytotoxicity of Thymoquinone (TQ) from Nigella sativa Towards Human Cervical Carcinoma Cells (HeLa). Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2(4), 585-589. Impact factor 0. Citation 34.
B- (Conference paper)
32. Aliki Kalmpourtzidou1, Beatrice Maccarini1, Ghanya Al-Naqeb1, Rachele de Giuseppe 1, Hellas Cena. The effect of urban gardening/farming on human nutrition and wellbeing: a systematic review. Belgrade, Serbia. 14-17th November 2023.
33. Al-Naqeb, G. (2022). Genotoxicity Evaluation of Prickly Pear Cactus Seeds Oil in Cultured V79 Cells. September 2022. DOI: 10.21748/ZIFS8532. Conference: 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo.
34. Antiadipogenic properties, Chemical characterization and Genotoxicity Approaches of Pulicaria Jaubertii E. Gamal-Eldin leaves Extract Originated from Yemen.
35. Ghanya Al-Naqeb, Harald L. Esch, Carolin Kleider, Matthew J. Picklo Sr, Leane Lehmann:
36. 19th International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology (12th-14th June 2019) “ Hörsaalzentrum of the Technische Universität Dresden. 12th-14th June 2019.
38. Picklo M, Rousova J, Kubatova, Al-Neqeb G. (2015). Pulicaria jaubertii Extract Prevents Triglyceride Deposition in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. FASEB J, 29(1):924.19.
39. Kraidi, S., Adam, A., Iryani, W., Al-Naqeb, G. (2013). Antiproliferative Effect of Antioxidant Rich Fraction Isolated from Cassia Auriculat and its Molecular Mechanisms. The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2013, Volume 4. 10.2174/2210289201304010228.
C – Patents
40. Ismail, M., Al-Naqeeb, G. Cardioprotective Effects of Nutraceuticals Isolated from Nigella Sativa Seeds. US Patent App. 13/124,370, 2011.
Publication of US20110244060A1. 2011-10-06.
41. M Ismail, G Al-Naqeeb, W Chan, NE Adnan Extraction of fixed oil and thymoquinone rich fraction - US Patent App. 13/832,499, 2013.
2012-02-23. Publication of US20120046366A1
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingTeaching Expertise [510004] - FUNDAMENTALS OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY, AGRI-FOOD SUSTAINABILITY Master Course Academic Year 2022/2023, University of Pavia Italy Courses taught at university level (Faculty of Agriculture Food and Environment, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yemen: 1. Biochemistry 2. Biology 3. Functional Foods 4. Preventive Nutrition 5. Introduction to Human Nutrition 6. Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 7. Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 8. Nutrition through life cycle 9. Nutritional Assessment 10. Food Preparation 11. Food Analysis 12. Food Allergy 13. Teaching Methods in Nutrition 14. Pharmacology 15. Toxicology 16. Food and Drug Interaction 17. Especial topics in Nutrition I have also taught the following courses at for postgraduate students (Master) 1. Research Methodology 2. Advance Human Nutrition 3. Nutrient and nutrient interaction
OWSD Awards
Feb 2016OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Early Career Women ScientistsFor her research using chemicals isolated from Yemeni herbal plants for disease prevention. A major focus of Dr. Al-Naqeb's work has been black cumin seeds, which are commonly used as a spice in Yemen, other Middle Eastern countries and India. Her research on these seeds has focused on their effects in protecting the heart from cardiovascular disease.