Member Profile

Membership type: full
Samaher Al-Janabi
Country of origin: Iraq Currently in: Iraq, Babylon General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology-
2012 Doctorate Computing and Information Technology -
Current Research Activities
Computing and Information Technology
Patents 1. Smart System to create Optimal Higher Education Environment in Iraq using IDA and IOTs 2. Design a Novel Structure of UAVs to Finding and Tracking a Missing Persons in Specific Environment based on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) & Global Positioning System (GPS) [under evaluation] 3. A Novel Method to Design Smart Station to Prediction and Control of Concentrations of Air Pollution (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, CO, O3, SO2) Based on Intelligent Big Data Analysis [under evaluation]
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Samaher Hussein Ali, “A New Trend of Knowledge Discovery toward Intelligent Data Analysis”. Published in 2013. ISBN 978-3-659-40188-6.
2. Samaher Hussein Ali , “Design a Software for a classify objects for Air Photos and Satellite Images”. Related to M.Sc.Thesis, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-659-44919-2.
3. Samaher Hussein Ali, “Design an Intelligent Miner for Huge Medical Databases”. Related to Ph.D Thesis,Published in 2016. , ISBN:978-3-8484-0345-5.
Chapters in Books
1. A. F. Alkaim and S. Al_Janabi, Multi Objectives Optimization to Gas Flaring Reduction from Oil Production, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 117–139, 2020.
2. S. Al_Janabi and F. Razaq, A Novel Tool DSMOTE to Handle Imbalance Customer Churn Problem in Telecommunication Industry, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, pp. 36–50, 2020.
3. S. Al_Janabi , Ali Yaqoob, and Mustafa Mohammad, Pragmatic Method Based on Intelligent Big Data Analytics to Prediction Air Pollution, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 84–109, 2020.
4. S. Al_Janabi and N. Kadiam, Recommendation System of Big Data Based on PageRank Clustering Algorithm, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 142–164, 2020.
5. S. Al_Janabi, M. Abed Salman , and M. Mohammed, Pragmatic Text Mining Method to Find the Topics of Citation Network, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 190–205, 2020. DOI:
6. S. Al_Janabi and N. Y. Hussein, The Reality and Future of the Secure Mobile Cloud Computing (SMCC): Survey, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 231–261, 2020.
7. S. Al_Janabi, S. Alhashmi, and Z. Adel, Design (More-G) Model Based on Renewable Energy & Knowledge Constraint, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 271–295, 2020.
8. M. A. Mahdi and S. Al_Janabi, A Novel Software to Improve Healthcare Base on Predictive Analytics and Mobile Services for Cloud Data Centers, Springer, Book: Big Data and Networks Technologies, LNNS 81, pp. 320–339, 2020.
9. Al-Janabi, S., Fatima Razaq, Intelligent Big Data Analysis to Design Smart Predictor for Customer Churn in Telecommunication Industry. Springer, Book: "Studies in BIG Data", Big Data and Smart Digital Environment pp 246-272, volume 53, 2018. DOI:
10. Al-Janabi, S., Mahdi Abed Salman and Maha Mohammad, Multi-level Network Construction Based on Intelligent Big Data Analysis. Springer, Book: "Studies in BIG Data", Big Data and Smart Digital Environment pp 102-118, volume 53, 2018. DOI:
11. Al-Janabi, S., Pragmatic Miner to Risk Analysis for Intrusion Detection (PMRA-ID), Springer, Book: Soft Computing in Data Science. , pp 263-277, vol 788. DOI:
Publications in Journals
1. Al-Janabi, S., Mohammad, M. & Al-Sultan, A. A new method for prediction of air pollution based on intelligent computation. Springer, Soft Comput (2019). Impact factor 2.784
2. Al-Janabi, S. & Alkaim, A.F. A nifty collaborative analysis to predicting a novel tool (DRFLLS) for missing values estimation. Springer, Soft Comput (2019). Impact factor 2.784
3. Al_Janabi, S., Mahdi M. A., Evaluation prediction techniques to achievement an optimal biomedical analysis, Applied Soft Computing for Optimisation and Parallel Applications, Inderscience, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2019, DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2019.10020511
4. Al_Janabi, S., Ibrahim Al_Shourbaji, Mahdi A. Salma, Assessing the Suitability of Soft Computing Approaches for Forest Fires Prediction, Elsevier, Applied Computing and Informatics, Volume 14, Issue 2, July 2018,PP 214-224 ISSN 2210-8327, URL:
5. Al_Janabi, S. , Smart System to create Optimal Higher Education Environment using IDA and IOTs, International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor & Francis, 2018. Doi: 10.1080/1206212X.2018.1512460
6. Ibrahim Al-Shourbaji, Al-Janabi, S., Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems in Wireless Networks, Kurdistan Journal for Applied Research,
7. Samaher Al-Janabi, Mahdi Abad Salman, Digital Video Scenes Recognition using Mijn-EA and Learning Vector Quantization Network, Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(24), 2016
8. Samaher Al-Janabi, Ibrahim Al-Shourbaji, Mohammad Shojafar, Shahaboddin Shamshirband, Survey of main challenges (security and privacy) in wireless body area networks for healthcare applications, Elsevier, Egyptian Informatics Journal. Impact Factor 2.306
9. Samaher Al-Janabi, Ibrahim Al Shourbaji, “A Study of Cyber Security Awareness in Educational Environment in the Middle East”, Journal of Information & Knowledge Managementm Vol. 15, No. 01, 1650007 (2016). DOI: 10.1142/S0219649216500076
10. Shaik Shakeel Ahamad, Ibrahim Al-Shourbaji, Samaher Al-Janabi, “A secure NFC mobile payment protocol based on biometrics with formal verification”, International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST), Vol. 6, No. 2, 2016.
11. Samaher Al-Janabi, Sarvesh Rawat, Ahmed Patel, and IbrahimAl Shourbaji,. “Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid System to Detection and Prediction of Faults in Transformer”, Elsevier. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Volume 67, May 2015, Pages 324-335, Impact factor 4.418
12. Samaher Al-Janabi and Hayder Fatlawi , A Nifty and Accuracy Architecture of New Prediction Model to Improve Predictive Analytics in Healthcare, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol(133), PP(66-85)
13. Ahmed Patel, Samaher Al-Janabi, IbrahimAl Shourbaji and Jens Myrup “A Novel Methodology towards a Trusted Environment in Mashup Web Applications”, Elsevier. Computers & Security Volume 49, March 2015, Pages 107-122, doi:10.1016/j.cose.2014.10.009. Impact factor 3.063
14. Samaher Al-Janabi and Hayder Fatlawi” Integrated Prediction Model for Huge\Big Healthcare Database, Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(5)/ Vol.(24): 2016
15. Samaher Al_janabi, “A Novel Agent-DKGBM Predictor for Business Intelligence and Analytics toward Enterprise Data Discovery”, Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(2)/ Vol.(23): 2015
16. IbrahimAl Shourbaji ,Ahmed Patel, and Samaher Al-Janabi “ “Enhance Business Promotion for Enterprises with Mashup Technology”, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 12/2014; 22(2):291-299. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.22.02.21870
17. Kenan Kalajdzic, Samaher Hussein Ali and Ahmed Patel, “Rapid Lossless Compression of Short Text Messages”, Elsevier. Computer Standards & Interfaces, Volume 37, January 2015, Pages 53-59, doi:10.1016/j.csi.2014.05.005 , Impact factor 2.441
18. Ghaidaa Al-sultany and Samaher Hussein Ali “Aggregating Similarity Measures based Ontology on Document Retrieval”. Babylon University journal, No 17, Issue 22, No. 8, ISSN: 19920652, 2013.
19. Samaher Hussein Ali, Hawra S. And Ghaidaa Al-Sultany “Suggest Clustering Algorithm For Features Analysis Of X-Ray Images”. Journal Of International Academic Research For Multidisciplinary (JIARM), Vol. 1 (06), 2013, ISSN 3202-5083
20. Samaher Hussein Ali and Abbas M. AL-Bakry ,” Genetic Programming Data Construction Method to Handle Data Scarcity Problem“, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2010
21. Samaher Hussein Ali, Design Robotic to Detonation Exothermal Discovery, Babylon University Journal.
22. Samaher Hussein Ali , Contraction Robots of control systems for different purposes, Babylon University Journal.2009.
23. Sattar B. Sadkhn, Samaher Hussein Ali, Ibtisam A. Rasheed, Design and Implementation Salinity Map of a Specific Area Using Mathematical Equations and Genetic Algorithm, Babylon University Journal,2008 .
24. Tawfiq A. Abbas, Samaher Hussein Ali, Wafaa H. Al-Marsomi, Hybrid System to Moving Object Identification in Digital Video Clip, AL-qadisiya University Journal,2008.
25. Samaher Hussein Ali, Evolving Optimal Bayesian Neural Network Using Breeder Genetic Programming to Acoustic Radar Pattern Identification ,Journal of Babylon University, 4 (14), Pages:30-41. 2007. ISSN: 19920652.
Publications in Conferences
1. S. Al-Janabi and E. Alwan, Soft Mathematical System to Solve Black Box Problem Through Development the FARB Based on Hyperbolic and Polynomial Functions, IEEE, The 10th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSe 2017), 2017 in Paris, France. DOI: 10.1109/DeSE.2017.23
2. S. Al-Janabi, I. Al-Shourbaji, M. Shojafar and M. Abdelhag, Mobile Cloud Computing: Challenges and Future Research Directions, IEEE, The 10th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSe 2017), 2017 in Paris, France. DOI: 10.1109/DeSE.2017.21
3. S. Al-Janabi, I. Al-Shourbaji, Cooperative Methodology to Generate a New Scheme for Cryptography, the 3rd International Congress on Technology, Communication and Knowledge (ICTCK 2016).
4. S. Al-Janabi, I. Al-Shourbaji, A Smart and Effective Method for Digital Video Compression, IEEE. Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2016). DOI: 10.1109/SETIT.2016.7939927
5. S. Al-Janabi, I. Al-Shourbaji, A Hybrid Image steganography Method based on Genetic Algorithm. IEEE. Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2016). DOI: 10.1109/SETIT.2016.7939903
6. Ibrahim AlShourbaji, Samaher Al-Janabi, Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail, Sophia Alim, Mohammed Abdelhag, “Online Social Networks in academia: A Review of Applications and Issues” Second International Engineering Conference On Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2016.
7. Samaher Al-Janabi, Ahmed Patel, Hayder Fatlawi, Ibrahim AlShourbaji, Kenan Kalajdzic. “Empirical Cloud Computing Models for Exploring the Capabilities of Rapid & Accuracy Predictions in Data Mining Tasks”,IEEE, First International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Software Engineering (ICKIS 2014). DOI: 10.1109/ICTCK.2014.7033495
8. Samaher Hussein Ali, Ahmed Patel, Ehab Hussein Ali,” Design and Implementation of a Meta Knowledge System (MKS)” , First International Scientific conference, Cihan University, Erbil , Kurdistan Region , Iraq, 2014.
9. Samaher Hussein Ali, “Novel Methodology for Generating the Key of Stream Cipher System Using RF of DM Algorithm “. IEEE, the Sixth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE 2013). 2013, DOI: 10.1109/DeSE.2013.54
10. Samaher Hussein Ali, "A Novel Tool (FP-KC) for Handle the Three Main Dimensions Reduction and Association Rule Mining" IEEE, in the 6th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications March 21-24, 2012. Page(s): 951 – 961, DOI : 10.1109/SETIT.2012.6482042
11. Samaher Hussein Ali, "Miner for OACCR: Case of Medical Data Analysis in Knowledge Discovery". IEEE, in the 6th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications March 21-24, 2012. Page(s): 962 – 975, DOI : 10.1109/SETIT.2012.6482043
12. Samaher Hussein Ali,” "Handle Black Box Problem of KDD System Through Design Mathematical Models", USA. The International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology (DeMset 2011).
13. Abbas M., Samaher Hussein Ali, Verification of ISO in Engineering and Education Using Matrix Structural Analysis and Petri Net, IEEE ,The 5th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM2009);
14. Abbas M. and Samaher Hussein Ali, Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Rule Generation: Survey in Data Mining of Medical Diagnose Framework, IEEE, The 2nd International Conference: E-MEDICAL SYSTEMS (E-Medisys 2008).
15. Samaher Hussein Ali, Muhannad M. Al-Yasiry, Soft Computing Techniques to Extraction Knowledge of Cardiac SPECT Diagnosis, IEEE ,The 2nd International Conference: E-MEDICAL SYSTEMS (E-Medisys 2008).
16. Samaher Hussein Ali , Designing a Software for Knowledge Discovery in Database Using Data Mining and Soft Computing Techniques. IEEE, The 2nd International Conference: E-MEDICAL SYSTEMS (E-Medisys 2008), 2008.
17. Nabeel H. Kaghad and Samaher Hussein Ali, Generating Rules from Trained Neural Network using FCM for Satellite Images Classification, IEEE, SETIT 2007, 4rth International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 25-29, 2007 – TUNISIA.
18. Tawfiq A. Abbas, Samaher Hussein Ali, Israa Hadi Ali, Object Oriented Classification of Forest Images using Soft Computing Approach, IEEE, SETIT 2007, 4rth International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 25-29, 2007 – TUNISIA.
19. Mahdi A. and Samaher Hussein Ali, Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining using Fuzzy C-Means Model and Genetic Programming, IEEE, SETIT 2007, 4rth International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 25-29, 2007 –TUNISIA.
20. Nabeel H. Kaghad, Tawfiq A. Abbas and Samaher Hussein Ali," Design and Implementation of classification system for Satellite Image Based on Soft Computing Technique, IEEE, Satellite Workshop:" Remote Sensing: New Trends & applications", Pages:340-436., 2006. DOI: 10.1109/ICTTA.2006.1684408
21. Samaher Hussein Ali, Eman S. Al-Shamery, Phonemes Recognition of Speech Using Breeder Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm, The first scientific conference of college of science; 2008.
Other Awards
Oct 2014L'Oreal–Unesco For Women In Science Levant And Egypt Regional Fellowships 2014Nov 2018International Creative Wissam, 2018Nov 2018Shield of creativity and excellence, Nov 2018Sep 2019Top reviewers in Cross-Field - September 2019Sep 2019Top reviewers in Computer Science (Top 1% of reviewers in Computer Science on Publons global reviewer database)- September 2019