Member Profile

Membership type: full
Yann Christie Sissinto Adjovi
Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Cotonou General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2013 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2009 Master Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2008 Master Agricultural Sciences2007 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Mycotoxins and fungi in food
Publications resulting from Research:
Adjovi, Y.C.S., Gnonlonfin, B.J.G., Bailly, S., Bailly, J-D., Tadrist, S., Puel, O., Oswald, P.O.I., Sanni, A. 2015. Occurrence of mycotoxins in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and its products. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 5 (3/4) : 217-246.
Bailly, J.D., Adjovi Y. C. S., Bailly S., Sanni A., Oswald I.P., Puel, O. 2015. Alternative strategy to fight against aflatoxin B1 contamination by promoting resistant crops : the example of Cassava. Agricultural risk management in development. Retrieved from
Gnonlonfin G.J.B., Adjovi Y.C., Tokpo A.F., Agbekponou E.D., Ameyapoh Y., de Souza C., Brimer L., Sanni A. 2013. Mycobiota and aflatoxin genes cluster in marketed spices in West Africa. Journal of food control 34 : 115-120.
Adjovi, Y. C. S., Bailly, S., Gnonlonfin, B.J.G., Tadrist, S., Querin, A., Sanni, A., Oswald, I.P., Puel, O., Bailly, J.D. 2013. Analysis of the contrast between natural ocurence of toxigenic Aspergilli of the Flavi section and aflatoxin B1 in cassava. Journal of Food Microbiology 38 : 151-159.
Gnonlonfin, G.J. B., Katerere, D.R., Adjovi, Y., Brimer, L., Shephard, G. S., Sanni, A. 2012. Mycoflora and absence of aflatoxin contamination of commercialized cassava chips in Benin, West Africa. Food Control 23 : 333-337.
Lagnika, L., Amoussa, M., Adjovi, Y. Sanni, A. 2012. Antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of Adansonia digitata and Vitex doniana from Benin pharmacopeia. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy 4 : 42-52.
Gnonlonfin, G.J.B., Hell, K., Adjovi, Y., Fandohan, P., Koudande, D.O., Mensanh, G.A., Sanni, A., Brimer, L. 2013. A review on Aflatoxin contamination and its implication in the developping word: A sub-saharan African perspective. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53 : 349–365.
Gnonlonfin, G.J.B., Katerere, D.R., Adjovi, Y., Brimer, L., Shephard, G.S., Sanni, A. 2010. Determination of aflatoxin in processed dried cassava root: Validation of new analytical method for cassava flour. Journal of AOAC International 93 : 1882-1887.
Gnonlonfin, G.J.B., Adjovi, Y., Gbaguidi, F., Gbenou, J., Katerere, D., Brimer, L., Sanni, A. 2011. Scopoletin In Cassava products as an inhibitor of Aflatoxin production. Journal of Food Safety 31 : 553–558.
Lagnika, L., Amoussa, A. M. O., Oketokoun, S. A., Adjovi, Y, Ambaliou A., 2014. In vitro antifungal and antioxidant activities of two Benin medicinal plants. Journal of medicinal plant research 8 : 513-519.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingLecturer: National University of Agriculture of Benin and Researcher of the Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Workshop and Conference Attended
2013 Brest (France) 4th day of mycotoxins at Brest (France)2013 Ghent (Belgium) 35th day of Mycotoxins workshopAffiliations
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology