Member Profile

Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Ibadan General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2005 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
In an increasingly interdependent World population, my research is focused on aquatic and wildlife epidemiology, toxicology, food safety and global public health. I have developed and validated assays for invivo evaluation of genes as biomarkers of environmental pollution and contamination. I have also developed and applied both analytical and bio-analytical techniques to environmental and public health issues; Including research into the interplay of ecotoxicology with aquatic and wildlife borne emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and the implications for global public health and environmental justice within community-based research framework. I have therefore been developing and validating epidemiological procedures for diseases at the wildlife-livestock-human interface and of regulatory and public health importance.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Agbede, S.A.; Adedeji, O.B.; Adeyemo, O.K. and Olufemi, B.E. (2001). Fish food development, safety and security in Nigeria. Proceedings of The USDA/USAID/NIGERIA sponsored international conference on Food safety and security in Nigeria, held at IITA, Ibadan-Nigeria between 1st- 3rd August 2001. 58-69. USA
2. Adeyemo, O.K. (2007). Implications of lead contamination of Nigerian Environment on the health of women and children. Proceedings of International Conference on Women's Impact on Science and Technology in the New Millennium” held in Bangalore, India, between 21-25 November 2005. 307-310pp. INDIA
3. Adeyemo, O.K. (2007). Occupational exposure of Nigerian women to cyanide in cassava processing communities. Proceedings of International Conference on Women's Impact on Science and Technology in the New Millennium” held in Bangalore, India, between 21-25 November 2005. 303-306pp. INDIA
4. Naigaga, I. and Adeyemo, O.K. (2007). Environmental Change Assessment in Africa: Seasonal Fluctuation in the Atmospheric and Water Levels of Methane and Nitrous Oxide in Selected Aquatic Ecosystems in Uganda and Nigeria. Final Project Report for 2006 START/PACOM African Global Change Research Grants, 26pp.
5. Adeyemo, O.K. (2009). Evaluation for Sustainability of Aquaculture Development in Nigeria. Final Project Report on 2008/2009 USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) grant, 28pp.
6. Adeyemo, O.K.; Falaye, A.E. (2009). Disease Considerations in Cage Culture. In: Federal Department of Fisheries and University of Ibadan Ventures Limited Sponsored “Capacity Building Workshop on Fish Cage and Pen Culture in Inland Waters of Nigeria”. June 2009, 86-99. NIGERIA
7. Falaye, A.E.; Adeyemo, O.K. (2009). Environmental Concerns in Cage Culture. . In: Federal Department of Fisheries and University of Ibadan Ventures Limited Sponsored “Capacity Building Workshop on Fish Cage and Pen Culture in Inland Waters of Nigeria”. June 2009, 101-111. NIGERIA
8. Salami, A.T, Adeyemo, O., Oyedele, D. (2011). Pollution study of Ikot Ada Udo Community, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. A report submitted to Milieu Defensie, The Netherlands on 15th June 2011. 44pp.
9. Salami, A.T, Adeyemo, O., Oyedele, D. (2011). Pollution study of Oruma Community, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A report submitted to Milieu Defensie, The Netherlands on 15th June 2011. 46pp.
10. Adeyemo, O.K. (2011). Food safety and environmental health concerns of Nigerian aquaculture industry. In a 754-page book (A.O. Salami and I.O. Orimogunje, Eds.) titled “Environmental Research and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Nigeria”. Published by Obafemi Awolowo University Press, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 335-353pp.
11. Adebowale, O.O., Adeyemo, O.K., Jayeola, A.O., Ojo, E.O., Adebowale, O., Kehinde O.O and kperegbeyi E. (2011). Microbial characterization of the waste water from a major abattoir and it’s receiving surface water in Abeokuta, Nigeria, in Animal hygiene and sustainable livestock production. Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene, Vienna, Austria, 3-7 July 2011, Volume 3 2011 pp. 1131-1134. ISBN 978-80-263-0012-0
12. Adeyemo, O.K. (2013). Tetracycline residue in feral and cultured fish and their products in Nigeria. A report submitted to International Foundation for Science, Sweden based on IFS research grant agreement: A/4933-1 carried out from September 2011-June 2013. 30pp.
13. Jayasinghe, S., Kroll, K., Adeyemo, O., Lavelle, C., Denslow, N., Mehinto, A., Bay, S., Maruya, K. (2014). Linkage of In Vitro Assay Results With In-Vivo End Points, Final Report – Phase 1. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond. CA. Contribution # 734.
14. Adeyemo, Olanike (2015). Towards sustainable tackling of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, Policy Brief for 2015 Global Sustainable Development Report.
II. Articles in Learned Journals/Refereed Conference Proceedings, etc
15. Agbede S.A.; Adedeji O.B.; Adeyemo O.K. (2000). Tissues and organs involved in the non-specific defence mechanism in fish: a review. J. of Fish. Tech. Vol 2: 66-72. NIGERIA
16. Agbede S.A.; Adeyemo O.K. (2001). Distribution and fate of intra-peritoneally injected colloidal carbon in the lympho-haemopoietic Organs of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.). Tropical Vet. 19 (2) 37-43. NIGERIA
17. Adeyemo O.K.; Ajasin F.O.; Ola-Davies O.E.; Taiwo O.O. (2001). Investigations into the use of Xylopia aethiopica in the treatment of Psoroptic mange in rabbits. J. Of Natural Remedies Vol 1/2 140-143. INDIA.
18. Oduye, O.O; Antia, R.E.; Nottidge, H.O.; Taiwo, V.O.; Adeyemi, I.G.; Okewole, E.A.; Adeyemo, K.O.; Cadmus S.I.B.; Sonibare, A.O.; Ajadi, R.A. and Lasisi, O.T. (2001). Trypanosomosis in city dogs in Southwestern Nigeria. Trop. Vet. 19 (2) 49-54. NIGERIA
19. Adeyemo, O.K. and Agbede, S.A. (2001). Environmental and Public Health Implications of Waste Disposal in Ibadan. Intern. J. Environ. Studies, Vol 58, 701-702. UNITED KINGDOM
20. Adeyemo, O.K. (2002). Unhygienic operation of a city abattoir in Southwestern Nigeria: Environmental implication. African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management 4 (1) 23-28. (\domains\ajeam-\db\vol4no1may2002p23-28.doc) GERMANY
21. Adeyemo O.K.; Ajasin F.O.; Oyenuga A.O. (2002). The effect of graded levels of poultry offal in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. Tropical Veterinarian. Vol 20 (2) 62-67. NIGERIA
22. Adeyemo, O.K.; Ayodeji, I.O.; Aiki-Raji, C.O. (2002). The water quality and the sanitary conditions in a major abattoir (Bodija) in Ibadan. African Journal of Biomedical Research. Vol 5: 51-55. NIGERIA
23. Adeyemo, O.K.; Olaniyan, A.O.; Ishola O.O.; Adedeji, O.B.; (2002). Seasonal water parameter of active and resting nursery ponds of Wildlife and fisheries management department’s farm, University of Ibadan. Nigerian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 23 (1) 22-26. NIGERIA
24. Adeyemo, O.K.; Agbede, S.A.; Magaji, A.A (2002). The clearance of colloidal carbon from the blood of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Veterinarski arhiv. 72 (2), 109-118. CROATIA
25. Adeyemo, O.K.; Agbede, S.A.; Olaniyan, A.O.; Shoaga, O.A. (2003). The Haematological response of Clarias gariepinus to changes in acclimation temperature. African Journal of Biomedical Research. 6: 105 – 108. NIGERIA
26. Adeyemo, O.K. (2003). Consequences of Pollution and Degradation Of Nigerian Aquatic Environment on Fisheries Resources. The Environmentalist. 23 (4), 297-306. THE NETHERLANDS
27. Adedeji, O.B.;Akinwusi, F.; Olaniyan, A.O.; Adeyemo, O.K. (2003). Comparative impact of protozoan parasites on fry of the African catfish and common carp. Nigerian Veterinary Journal. 24 (3): 156-159. NIGERIA
28. Adetunji, V.O.; Ajasin, F.O.; Adeyemo, O.K. (2003). Bacteriological assessment of freshly drawn milk from lactating cows in nomadic Fulani settlements in Oyo state, Nigeria. Nigerian Veterinary Journal, 24 (3):81-85. NIGERIA
29. Agbede S.A.; Adedeji O.B.; Adeyemo O.K.; Esuruoso, G.O.; Yusuf Haroun (2003). Small scale fish production in Veterinary practice. Nigerian Veterinary Journal, 24 (3): 160-171. NIGERIA
30. Agbede, S.A.; Adeyemo, O.K.; Adedeji, O.B.; Olaniyan, A.O.; Esuruoso, G.O. (2003). Teaching of Fish and Wildlife Medicine to D.V.M students: The scope, opportunities and applications in practice. Nigerian Veterinary Journal. 24 (3): 172-178. NIGERIA
31. Adeyemo, O.K.; Akintoye, O.A.; Oghi, M.L. (2004). Acute toxicity of chlorpyrifos (dursban) to Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Tropical Veterinarian. 22 (1) 4-8. NIGERIA
32. Agbede, S.A.; Adeyemo, O.K.; Ajani F.; O.B. Adedeji (2004). Selectivity of Three Aquatic Weeds as Diet for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus). African Journal of Livestock Extension. 3, 8-12. NIGERIA
33. Adeyemo, O.K (2005). Haematological and histopathological response of Clarias gariepinus to intra-peritoneal injection of cassava mill effluent. African Journal of Biomedical Research. 8:179-183. NIGERIA
34. Agbede S.A.; Adedeji O.B.; Adeyemo O.K. (2005). Proliferative responses of Tilapia T-Like Lymphocytes to Stimulation by Concanavalin A. Afri J. Biomed. Res. 8: 151-155. NIGERIA
35. Agbede S.A.; Adeyemo O.K.; Adedeji O.B.; Junaid A.U (2006). Ultrastructural Study of the Phagocytic Activities of Splenic Macrophages in Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus). African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 5 (22), 2350-2353. KENYA
36. Adeyemi, I.G.; Adeyemo, O.K. (2007). Waste Management Practices At The Bodija Abattoir, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 64(1):71-82. UNITED KINGDOM
37. Adeyemo, O.K (2007). Lead Level in Rivers, Sediments and Fish Ponds in Ibadan Metropolitan Area, South-West Nigeria. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 32(2): 153–157. SOUTH AFRICA
38. Adeyemo, O. K.; Adeyemo O.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Agbede, S. A. (2007). Effect of semen extenders on the motility and viability of stored African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) spermatozoa. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. Vol 11 (1)13-16. NIGERIA
39. Adeyemo, O.K. (2007). Haematological Profile of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Lead. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 7: 163-169. TURKEY
40. Adeyemo O.K.; Banwo O.T.; Adeleye, E.A. (2007). Regression Based Modelling Of Relationship Between Lead In Water And Lead Bioaccumulation in Fish. Global Journal of Environmental Research, 1 (3): 117-123. PAKISTAN
41. Adedeji, O.B.; Adeyemo, O.K.; Agbede, S.A. (2008). Acute toxicity of diazinon to the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). African Journal of Biotechnology. 7 (5): 651-654. KENYA
42. Adeyemo O.K.; Babalobi, O.O. (2008). Geographical information system (GIS) mapping of spatio-temporal pollution status of rivers in Ibadan, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 11 (7): 982-988. PAKISTAN
43. Adeyemo, O.K (2008). Histological Alterations Observed in the Gills and Ovaries of Clarias gariepinus Exposed To Environmentally Relevant Lead Concentrations. Journal of Environmental Health, 70 (9) 48- 51. USA
44. Adeyemo, O.K. (2008). Histological Alterations Observed In the Liver and Brain of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Chronic Sublethal Dose of Lead. Bulletin of European Association of Fish Pathologists, 28(3) 105-114. GERMANY
45. Adeyemo O.K. (2008). Habitat assessment for seasonal variation of River pollution in Ibadan, Nigeria, in a geographic information systems interface Veterinaria Italiana, 44 (2), 361‐371. ITALY
46. Adeyemo, O.K. (2008). Bioconcentration of Lead in the Tissues of Feral and Laboratory exposed Clarias gariepinus. Journal of Medical Sciences, 8 (3), 281-286. USA
47. Adeyemo, O.K., Ajani F.; Adedeji, O.B., Ajiboye, O.O. (2008). Acute Toxicity and Blood Profile of Adult Clarias Gariepinus Exposed To Lead Nitrate. Internet Journal of Haematology Vol 4 (2) 1-10.
48. Adedokun, O.A.; Adeyemo, O.K.; Adeleye, E.; Yusuf, R.K. (2008). Seasonal Limnological Variation And Nutrient Load Of The River System In Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. European Journal of Scientific Research Vol 23 (1) 98-108. AUSTRIA
49. Adeyemo, O.K.; Adedokun, O.A.; Yusuf, R.K.; Adeleye, E (2008). Seasonal Changes In Selected Physico-Chemical Parameters And Nutrients of River Sediments in Ibadan City, Nigeria. Global Nest Journal, Vol. 10 (3) 326-336. GREECE
50. Adeyemo, O.K., Aluko, O.O.; Agbede, S.A. (2008). Effect of Temperature On Spoilage Of Fresh And Frozen Fish Sold In Markets In Ibadan. African Journal of Livestock Extension, 6: 66-71. NIGERIA
51. Adedeji, O.B.; Adeyemo, O.K.; Agbede, S.A. (2009). Effects of Diazinon on Blood Parameters in the African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). African Journal of Biotechnology, 8 (16): 3940-3946. KENYA
52. Adeyemo, O.K.; Okwilagwe, O. O. and Ajani, F. (2009). Comparative Assessment Of Sodium EDTA and Heparin as Anticoagulants for the Evaluation Of Haematological Parameters in Cultured and Feral African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus). Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology, 13(1):19-24. BRAZIL
53. Olatunji-Akioye, A.O., Adeyemo, O.K. (2009). Liveweight and Chest Girth Correlation in Commercial Sheep and Goat Herds in Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Morphology, 27(1):49-52. e&nrm=iso. CHILE
54. Adeyemo, O.K.; Naigaga I.; Alli, R.A. (2009). Effect of Handling and Transportation on Haematology of Clarias gariepinus. Journal of Fisheries Science, 3 (4) 333-341. . TURKEY
55. Adeyemo, O.K., Adeyemi, I.G., Awosanya, E.J. (2009). Cattle Cruelty and Risks of Meat Contamination at Akinyele Cattle Market and Slaughter Slab. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 41 (8)1715-1721. . UNITED KINGDOM
56. Adeyemo, O. K., Ubiogoro, O.E., Adedeji, O.B. (2009). Oil Exploitation, Fisheries Resources and Sustainable Livelihood in the Niger Delta. Nature and Faune of the FAO, Vol 24 (1) 56-61. GHANA.
57. Olatunji-Akioye A.O.; Adeyemo O.K.; Akomolafe, O.T. (2010). Photographic and Radiographic Study of Osteological Abnormalities of the Head of Adult African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). International Journal of Morphology, 28(3):719-722. CHILE
58. Adeyemi I.G; Adeyemo O.K. and Alli O.A. (2010). Economic Loss from Transportation Stress in Slaughter Cattle: The Case of Akinyele Cattle Market, Nigeria Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 58 (1): 89-94. KENYA
59. Adeyemo, O.K.; Adedeji, O.B.; Offor, C.C. (2010). Blood Lead Level As Biomarker of Environmental Lead Pollution in Feral and Cultured African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Nigerian Veterinary Journal, Vol 31(2): 48-56. NIGERIA
60. Ajibade W.A., Adeyemo O.K., Agbede S.A. (2010). Coprological Survey And Inventory of Animals at Obafemi Awolowo University and University Of Ibadan Zoological Gardens, World Journal of Zoology, 5 (4): 266-271. PAKISTAN
61. Adeyemo, O.K.; Ojo, S.O.; Badejo A. (2010). Marine Shrimp and Fish as Sentinels of Heavy Metal Pollution of Lagos Lagoon, Global Journal of Environmental Research, 4 (3): 155-160. PAKISTAN
62. Badejo A., Ojo, S.O.; Adeyemo, O.K. (2010). Seasonal Levels Of Essential Trace Metals in Fresh and Fried Marine Shrimp and Fish International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2 (1): 36-43. INDIA
63. Adeyemo O.K.; Adedeji, O.B.; Adetunji V.O.; Akomolafe O.T. (2010). Gross and Histopathological Changes in the Organs of an Ascitic Clarias gariepinus, African Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences, 5 (3: 79-87. UGANDA
64. Adebowale, O. O., Alonge, D. O., Agbede, S. A., Adeyemo O. (2010). Bacteriological Assessment of Quality of Water Used at the Bodija Municipal Abattoir, Ibadan, Nigeria. Sahel Journal of Veterinary Science, 9 (2): 63 – 67. NIGERIA.
65. Ajani F., Bello-Olusoji, O.A. and Adeyemo, O.K. (2010). The effects of Ammonia and nitrite on plasma cortisol and reproductive performance of C. gariepinus broodstock International Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 2. No.1, 89-94. NIGERIA.
66. Kakulu, F.O., Adeyemo, O.K. (2011): Clearance of Colloidal Carbon from the Blood of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 7 (6): 17–24. INDIA
67. Adedeji O.B.; Adeyemo O.K. and Oyedele M.O. (2011) Heavy Metals In Snail and Water samples from Alaro Rivers in Oluyole Industrial Area of Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation, 6 (2): 115-121. INDONESIA
68. Adeyemo, O.K.; Ganiyu, O.I.; Olugasa, B.O. (2011). Comparative evaluation of productivity and cost effectiveness of catfish fingerling production in earthen pond and recirculation system in Ibadan, Nigeria, Nigerian Veterinary Journal, 32 (1): 5-8. NIGERIA
69. Ajani, F; Emikpe B.O.; Adeyemo, O.K. (2011). Histopathological and enzyme changes in Clarias gariepinus (burchell 1822) exposed to nitrite at different water temperatures, Nature and Science, 9 (5): 119-124. USA
70. Adeyemo, O.K., Alarape, S.A., Emikpe, B.O. (2011). Reprotoxic Effect of Malachite Green on African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 6 (5): 1-8. USA
71. Adeyemo, O.K., Akomolafe, O.T. (2011). Copper Level in Fish from selected Fresh and Marine Aquatic Ecosystems in Nigeria, African Journal of Biomedical Research, 14: 105–111. NIGERIA
72. Adeyemo, O.K., Akano O.F., Emikpe B.O. (2011). Effect of Formalin on Spawning Success and Organ Histology in Clarias gariepinus, Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 5(7):1-9. USA
73. Otuh, P.I., Adeyemo, O.K., Akomolafe, O.T. (2011). Public Health Implications of some Heavy Metal Pollution in selected Aquatic Systems in Western Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian, Vol 29 (4): 10-20. NIGERIA
74. Adeyemo, O.K., Ubiogoro, O. (2012). Ecotoxicological Assessment for Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Aquatic Systems Of Oil Producing Communities In Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Fisheries Science, 6 (1): 53-62 TURKEY
75. Ajani, F., Adeyemo, O.K. (2012). Nitrite intoxication of Clarias gariepinus at different water temperatures, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Vol. 4 (4): 77-80 USA
76. Alarape, S.A., Ajani, F., Adeyemo, O.K., Shobiye, J.O. (2013). Effect of Copper Sulphate on Spawning Success in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822), Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 8 (6): 714-720 USA
77. Okere, N.C., Adeyemo, O.K. (2014). Occurrence and fish farmer perceptions of symptoms of diseases in Ibadan and Ikorodu in Nigeria. African Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences, 8(1): 82-88. UGANDA
78. Okere N.C., Odeniyi, O.A., Adeyemo, O.K. (2014). Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of pathogenic bacterial isolates from diseased Clarias gariepinus from selected Ibadan and Ikorodu farms. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10: 439-448. CANADA
79. Otuh1, P.I., Adeyemo O.K., Soyinka, F.O., Nwezza, E.E. (2014). Spatio-temporal pattern of buruli ulcer in Ogun State, South Western Nigeria, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 21, Supplement 1, Page 238. USA
80. Adeyemo, O.K. (2014). Beyond resource sharing: sustainable management of transboundary pollution and diseases. Science * Policy * Africa, Newsletter of the African Academy of Sciences, Volume 18 Number 3, Pg 9, September 2014.
81. Adeyemo, O.K. (2014). Global Impact of Emerging Infectious Diseases: Ebola is one of many. Global Young Academy Connections, Issue 3 December 2014, page 6-7
82. Alarape, S.A., Hussein T.O., Adetunji, V.E., Adeyemo, O.K. (2015). Skeletal and Other Morphological Abnormalities in Cultured Nigerian African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(5): 20-25. INDIA
83. Saka, B.A., Adeyemo, O.K., Emikpe, B.O. (2015). Testes Development in Nigerian Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies; 2 (5): 366-369. INDIA
84. Ola-Davies, O.E., Fagbohun, A.F., Emikpe, B.O., Adeyemo, O.K. (2015). Diazinon-Induced Clastogenity and Pathological Changes in Ovaries and Testes of Clarias gariepinus, Agricultural Sciences, 6, 146-151. USA
85. Denslow, N.D., Adeyemo, O.K., Kroll, K.J. (2015). Effect of Oil and Dispersants from the Gulf of Mexico on Estuarine Fish Species. Journal of Environmental Indicators, 9:10-11. CANADA.
86. Saka, B.A., Adeyemo, O.K. (2015). Gonad Development in the Female Nigerian Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822. Journal of Aquaculture Research Development. 6: 341. doi: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000341. USA.
87. Adeyemo, O.K., Kroll, K.J., Denslow, N.D., (2015). Developmental abnormalities and differential expression of genes induced in oil and dispersant exposed Menidia beryllina embryos. Aquatic Toxicology, 168: 60–71. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.09.012. NETHERLANDS
88. Abdullahi, A., Hassan, A., Kadarman, N., Muhammad, J.Y., Adeyemo, O.K., Lua, P.L. (2016). Occupational hazards among the abattoir workers associated with noncompliance to the meat processing and waste disposal laws in Malaysia, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 9: 43-48. UNITED KINGDOM
89. Aina, O.O., Ozegbe P.C., Adeyemo O.K. (2016). Reproductive Biomarkers of Endocrine Disruption in Adult Male Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Sub-Lethal Carbendazim. Anatomy Journal of Africa, 5(1): 672-685. KENYA
90. Adebowale O.O, O.K. Adeyemo, O. Awoyomi, R. Dada and O. Adebowale. Antibiotic usage and practices in commercial poultry laying hens in Ogun state Nigeria (2016). Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 69 (1): 41-45. FRANCE
91. Adebowale O.O., Jayeola, A., Adeyemo Olanike, and Kperegbeyi, E. (2016). Potential Bacterial Zoonotic Pathogens Isolated from a Major Abattoir and its Receiving Surface
Water in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Science, 50 (1): 94-98. EGYPT
92. Adebowale, O.O., Adeyemo, O.K. (2016). Assessment of workplace health and safety practices among poultry workers in Southwestern Nigeria. Italian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7 (2): 66-71. ITALY
93. Adeyemo, O.K., Alarape, S.A, Adetunji, V.E., Saka, B.A., Ubiogoro, O.E. (2017). Seasonal pH and Carbon-dioxide Level of Fresh and Marine Aquatic Systems as Indicator of Climate Change in Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian, 35 (2): 53-60. NIGERIA.
94. Saka, B.A., Adeyemo, O.K., Odeseye A.O. (2017). Multiple Antibiotic Resistance Indices of Aeromonas hydrophila Isolates of Muscle of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822) From Selected Markets in Ibadan, Nigeria, African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology, 18 (2): 73-78. NIGERIA.
95. Alarape, S.A., Adeyemo, O.K. (2017). Tetracycline Residue in fresh and processed Clarias gariepinus from Selected Fish Farms and Markets in Ibadan, Nigeria, Tropical Veterinarian, 35 (2): 61-71. NIGERIA.
96. Adeniran A., Adeyemo, O.K., Emikpe B.O., Alarape, S.A. (2017). Organosomatic Indices, Haematological and Histological Assessment as Biomarkers of Health Status in Feral and Cultured Clarias gariepinus, African Journal of Biomedical Research, s. Vol. 20 (May, 2017); 189- 194. NIGERIA.
97. Ubiogoro, O.E.; Aina, O.O., Alarape, S.A., Babalola, O.E., Adeyemo, O.K. (2017). Effects Of Neem Leaf Aqueous Extract On Organ Histology, Haematological Parameters And Biochemical Indices In Catfish. Accepted for Publication in Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Science. EGYPT
98. Abimbola Yemisi Kupoluyi, Selim Adewale Alarape, Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo (2017). Impact of Industrial Effluents on Alaro River in Oluyole Industrial Estate, Ibadan and Its Suitability for Aquatic Life. Accepted for publication in Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. NIGERIA
99. Thierry Hoareau, Louis Kotze, Roseanne Diab, Bernard Slippers, Kelly Kryc, C Prokash Khedun, Salif Diop, Olanike Adeyemo, Moamer Eltayeb Ali, Jonathan C Anyanwu, Hema Rughoonundun, Amos Saurombe, Driss Ouazar, Jean Folack, Nirmal Shah, Ameliah Croft, A K Armah, Utibe Ita Daniel, Manta Devi Nowbuth, Jane Lubchenco, Etinosa Igbinosa, Nadeem Nazurally, Cherif Sammari, Yousuf Maudarbocus, Yunus Mgaya, Angus McDonald, Nadia Algera (2017). Advancing Ocean Sciences in Africa: The Forum on African Marine Sciences, FAMS. Manuscript under peer-review in Marine Policy. THE NETHERLANDS.
100. Adebowale, O.O. and Adeyemo, O.K. (2017). Phenotypic Characterization and Distribution of Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Commercial Laying Poultry Farms in Ogun State, Nigeria. Manuscript under peer-review in Veterinarski Arhiv. POLAND
101. Patricia Ihuaku Otuh, Festus Olukayode Soyinka, Bamidele Nyemike Ogunro, Victor Akinseye, Adebola Olubunmi Iseoluwa-Adelokiki, Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo (2017). Manuscript under peer-review in Pan-African Medical Journal. KENYA.
102. Mehinto, Alvine; Kroll, Kevin; Jayasinghe, B. Sumith; VanDervort, Darcy; Adeyemo, Olanike; Lavelle, Candice; Bay, Steven M.; Maruya, Keith A.; Denslow, Nancy (2017). Linking in vitro estrogenicity to adverse effects in the inland silverside (Menidia beryllina). Manuscript under peer-review in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. THE NETHERLANDS.
103. Patricia Ihuaku Otuh, Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo, Bamidele Nyemike Ogunro, Elebe Emmanuel Nwezza, Festus Olukayode Soyinka and Olusoji James Daniel (2017). Geo-Spatial Distribution of Buruli ulcer cases in Ogun state, south western Nigeria: Implications for the control of a neglected tropical disease in African Journal of Infectious Diseases. NIGERIA
104. Otuh, P.I., Adeyemo, O.K., Nwezza, E.E., Daniel, O.J., Soyinka, F.O. (2017). Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Buruli ulcer among rural inhabitants in Ogun State, Nigeria. Manuscript under peer-review in Pan-African Medical Journal. KENYA.
105. Akeem Babatunde Saka, Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo, Olubusola Ayoola Odeniyi, Selim
Adewale Alarape, Oluwasanmi Olayinka Aina, and Adebola Olayemi Odeseye (2017). Seroconversion, Seroprotection and Efficacy determination of Formalinised local isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila administered through different routes in Clarias gariepinus. Manuscript under peer-review in Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. TURKEY.
106. Olanike K. Adeyemo, Babatunde A Saka, Selim A. Alarape, Oniovosa A. Ubiogoro and
Paul Adegbola (2017). An assessment of the wholesomeness of Mackerel and Herrings fishes imported into Nigeria through the Lagos port between January 2011 and December 2013. Manuscript under peer-review in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. SWITZERLAND.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships) Teaching of students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Research, especially in the area of aquatic epidemiology and toxicology, fish food safety and global public Health.
Nigerian Veterinary Medical AssociationAcademy of Science, NigeriaAfrican Academy of ScienceAfrican Scientific Institute (ASI), USAEisenhower Fellowship ProgrammeLeadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) Programme -
TWAS Awards
Mar 2005OtherHospitality grant to present scientific paper at 3rd General assembly and Congress of Third World Organization for Women in Science, TWOWS In India (2005). a. Awards
Mar 2016AkinkanjuDevelopment Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN) Commission, which is dedicated to honouring the history of the Southwest Region by highlighting those who have made remarkable strides in its development. 2015African Success: People Changing the Face of Africaa database of successful African personalities. 2011Black Achievers in Science and Technologya publication of the African Scientific Institute (ASI), Oakland, California, USA, a non-profit organisation since 1967.Mar 2006START/PACOM awardto carry-out research on “Climate and Global Change-related Impacts, Adaptations, and Vulnerability Assessments in selected aquatic ecosystems in Africa” in conjunction with researchers in Uganda and USA (2006) a.