Member Profile

Membership type: full
Milena Acosta Farías
Country of origin: Ecuador Currently in: Ecuador, Quevedo General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2019 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2017 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
At the moment looking for a PhD position I have worked before in abiotic stress and plant mechanisms defense against pathogens and environmental parameters, how polyamines and polyphenol oxidases interact in defense mechanisms.
Publications resulting from Research:
Morante-Carriel, J.; Acosta-Farías, M.; Huebla-Concha, V.; Obrebska, A.; Bru-Martínez, R.; Cadme-Arévalo, M. (2017). Identification of a gene encoding polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in Theobroma cacao L. (cocoa) from Ecuador. Ciencia y Tecnología, 10 (2), 89-101. doi:10.18779/cyt.v10i2.172.
Moreno, A., Díaz-Ponce, M., Acosta-Farías, M., Jiménez, E., Saltos, J., & Neira, J. (2018). Spatial distribution of Elasmobranchs in Continental Ecuadorian Coast. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 11(1), 37-43. doi:10.18779/cyt.v11i1.188
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyLooking for a PhD position and working as a freelance as a sales agent of laboratory equipment.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Karolinska Institutet-Stockholm Unlocking your Innovative potential: First step towards leadership in innovation2017 Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo-Quevedo I Congress of Forest Protection2017 Universidad Politecnica Salesiana-Quito II Congress of Biotechnology and Students Encounter2016 Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL)-Guayaquil Biotechnology and Biodiversity International CongressPresentation given
2017Molecular characterization of an encoding gene of polyphenol oxidase (PPOs) in Theobroma cacaoUniversidad Politecnica Salesiana-QuitoEvent: II Congress of Biotechnology and Students Encounter2016Cloning, sequencing and characterization of an encoding gene of polyphenol oxidase (PPOs) in Theobroma cacao LEscuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL)- GuayaquilEvent: Biotechnology and Biodiversity International Congress