Member Profile

Membership type: full
Safa Abdo
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Physics-
2020 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Publications resulting from Research:
Publication list 1. S.Y. ABDO, I.ZINICOVSCAIA, O.G. DULIU, M.M. SHERIF, M.V. FRONTASYEVA (2017) Epithermal neutron activation analysis of major and trace elements in Red sea scleractinian corals – Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 314, 1445 1452 10.1007/s10967-017-5511-8 WOS:000413983300099 2. T.I. IVANKINA, S.E. KICHANOV, O.G. DULIU, S.Y. ABDO, M.M. SHERIF (2020) The structure of scleractinian coral skeleton analyzed by neutron diffraction and neutron computed tomography, Scientific Reports 10, 12869, 2 WOS:000559797100087. 3. Safa Y. Abdo, Octavian G. Duliu, Mohamed M. Sherif, Marina V. Frontasyeva , Southern Red Sea, Yemen coast marine environmental as reflected by scleractinian corals skeleton ( accepted for publication in 08.06.20222 in “Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology”. 4. Safa Y. Abdo, Octavian G. Duliu, Inga Zinicovscaia, Mohamed M. Sherif, Marina V. Frontasyeva “Epithermal neutron activation analysis and X-ray computed tomography investigation of some scleractinian Red sea coralsInternational Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei. 2016-05-23 | conference-paper.
5. M. M. Sherif, M. Orabi, Safa Y. Abdo . The xx international scientific conference of young scientists and specialist (AYSS-2016). “Gamma radiation dose assessment in Yemeni buildings”.
6. M.M.Sherif , S.Harb,H.Diab and Safa.Y.Abdo. "Radioactivity measurements for some building materials in Yemen and simulation of the annual effective dose rate". (2012 International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology). ICEEB 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. May 5-6, 2012".
7. M. M. Sherif and Safa. Y. Abdo. “Radioactivity Measurements for Some Building Materials in Yemen and Simulation of the Annual Effective Dose”. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD), Vol. 3, No.4, August 2012.
8. S.Y.Abdo and M.M.Sherif. "Study of natural radionuclides of some Yemeni building materials”. Al-Azhar Bull.Sci.Vol.21,No. 2 (Dec): pp.167-174,2010.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAlthough I have no permanent job yet, I have two running projects with frank laboratory of neutron physics FLPN, Joint institute for nuclear research JINR, Dubna, Russia as a continuing studies of my Ph.D. research.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2023 Dubai, UAE COP 28Presentation given
2023Neutron activation analysis assessment of heavy/trace elements pollution in Port Sudan, Red Sea using scleractinian coralsAswan, EgyptEvent: WIN 30th Global Annual Conference " Woman for Sustainable Development of Nuclear and Radiation Application