Member Profile

Membership type: full
Sarbani Ray
Country of origin: India Currently in: India, Kolkata General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2007 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences1995 Master Physics1992 Undergraduate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Space Weather impact on technological system
Publications resulting from Research:
1.Study of the effect of March 17-18, 2015 geomagnetic storm on the Indian longitudes using GPS and C/NOFS, Sarbani Ray, Bidyut Roy, Krishnendu Sekhar Paul, Samiddha Goswami, Christina Oikonomou, Haris Haralambous, Babita Chandel and Ashik Paul, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2016JA023127, 2017.
2.Occurrence of equatorial spread F during intense geomagnetic storms S. Ray, B. Roy and A. Das, Radio Sci., 10.1002/2014RS005422, 2015.
3.Characteristics of intense space weather events as observed from a low latitude station during solar minimum, A. Paul, B. Roy, S. Ray, A. Das and A. DasGupta, J. Geophys. Res., (U.S.A.), 116, A10307, doi:10.1029/2010JA016330, 2011.
4.Day-to-day variability of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly and Scintillations at Dusk observed by GUVI and Modeling by SAMI3, Su. Basu, , S. Basu, J. Huba, J. Krall, S.E. McDonald, J.J. Makela, E.S. Miller, S. Ray and
K. Groves, J. Geophys. Res., (U.S.A.), 114, A04302, doi:10.1029/2008JA013899, 2009.
5.Geostationary L-band Scintillation Observations near the Crest of Equatorial Anomaly in the Indian Zone, S. Ray and A. DasGupta, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., (U.K.), 69(4-5), 500-514, 2007.
6.Equatorial Scintillations in Relation to the Development of Ionization Anomaly, S. Ray, A. Paul and A. DasGupta, Annales Geophysicae (E.U.), 24(5), 1429-1442, 2006.
7.Errors in position-fixing by GPS in an environment of strong equatorial scintillations in the Indian zone, A. DasGupta, S. Ray, A. Paul, P. Banerjee and A. Bose, Radio Sci., (U.S.A,), 39, RS1S30, doi:10.1029/2002RS002822, 2004.
8.Estimation of minimum separation of geostationary satellites for Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) from equatorial ionospheric scintillation observations, S. Ray, A. DasGupta, A. Paul and P. Banerjee, The
Journal of Navigation (U.K.), 56(1), 137-142, 2003.
9.Ionospheric reconstruction using Faraday rotation data: a new technique, S. Ganguly, A. Brown, A. DasGupta and S. Ray, Radio Science (U.S.A.), 36( 4), 789-800, 2001.
10.Long term observations of VHF scintillation and total electron content near the crest of the equatorial anomaly in the Indian longitude zone, S. K. Chakraborty, A. DasGupta, S. Ray and S. Banerjee, Radio Science (U.S.A.),
34(1), 241-255, 1999.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchOtherThe applicant is presently working as a Post-Doctoral Associate in the international SCINDA project at the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, India.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India 15th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy2015 Alexandria, VA, USA 14th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES-15)2014 Beijing Convention Center, Beijing, China XXXIs General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2014)2013 University of Bath, Bath, UK International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS-13)2005 New Delhi, India XXVIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2005)2005 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. XIth International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy and CAWSES Mini-Workshop (ISEA-11)2001 Boston College, Boston, USA International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS-01)2001 Boston College, Boston, USA International Workshop on Space Weather Effects on Communication and Navigation SignalsAffiliations
International Centre for Theoretical PhysicsPresentation given
2018Study of Thermospheric O/N2 ratio and Total Electron Content (TEC) from the Indian longitude sector during intense geomagnetic storms of 2015-2017Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, IndiaEvent: 15th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy2015GPS Scintillation effects as observed from a location beyond the anomaly crest in the Indian longitude sectorAlexandria, VA, USAEvent: 14th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES-15)2014Scintillation Effects related to Propagation Geometry as applicable to Indian SBASBeijing Convention Center, Beijing, ChinaEvent: XXXIs General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2014)2013Prediction of ESF Generation during intense geomagnetic stormsUniversity of Bath, Bath, UKEvent: International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS-13)2005Northern Limit of the Equatorial Irregularity Belt observed with GPS signal ScintillationsNew Delhi, IndiaEvent: XXVIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2005)2005Equatorial Scintillations in Relation to the Development of Ionization AnomalyTaipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.Event: XIth International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy and CAWSES Mini-Workshop (ISEA-11)2001Long-term L-band Scintillations near the Crest of the Equatorial Anomaly in the Indian zoneBoston College, Boston, USAEvent: International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS-01)2001Summer Nighttime Equatorial F-region Scintillations in Response to Severe Magnetic Storms in the Indian zoneBoston College, Boston, USAEvent: International Workshop on Space Weather Effects on Communication and Navigation Signals -
Other Awards
Jun 2015Staff Mobility Program under the Erasmus Mundas Leaders program of European UnionI visited the Electrical Engineering Department, Frederick University, Cyprus during June-September 2015 under the Staff Mobility Program under the Erasmus Mundas Leaders program of European Union