Member Profile

Membership type: full
Verrah Otiende
Country of origin: Kenya Currently in: Kenya, Nairobi General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2013 Master Agricultural Sciences2010 Undergraduate Mathematical sciences2020 Doctorate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Predictive modeling of infectious diseases
Publications resulting from Research:
Otiende VA, Achia TN, Mwambi HG (2020) Bayesian hierarchical modeling of joint spatiotemporal risk patterns for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis (TB) in Kenya. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0234456.
Otiende, V., Achia, T. & Mwambi, H. Bayesian modeling of spatiotemporal patterns of TB-HIV co-infection risk in Kenya. BMC Infect Dis 19, 902 (2019) doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4540-z
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchDeveloping a Landscape inventory/ catalogue of existing learning modules, courses, approaches, methods, and outcomes of relevant Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) initiatives Reviewing existing curriculum, toolkit and manuals necessary for an ILM curriculum that is readily usable and applicable in the field Co-designing with the landscape academy partners the overall landscape curriculum in line with the needs and demands identified Designing protocols and procedures for evaluating innovation systems research and development Providing guidance and quality assurance in the research process and supporting scientific writing and publication Designing effective survey instruments and coordinating activities associated with survey including definition of data requirements, collection and validation, analysis, summary and presentation of results; writing reports highlighting key findings and making presentations of results
Workshop and Conference Attended
2014 ICRAF Nairobi, Kenya Landscape for People Food and Nature [LPFN 2014]2014 New Delhi, India World Congress on Agroforestry [WCA 2014]2015 ICRAF Nairobi, Kenya Gender policy review and validation workshopAffiliations
International Statistical InstituteInternational Association for Statistical ComputingLondon Mathematics SocietyEuropean Women in MathematicsInternational Biometric SocietyPresentation given
2014Landscape approaches” breakout session. Paper Title: Are innovation platforms possible institutions for integrated natural resource management practices at landscape level?New Delhi, IndiaEvent: World Congress on Agroforestry2013Tracking institutional change of grassroots organizations in rural development: Enabling capacity development for natural resource management in eastern AfricaGaborone, BotswanaEvent: AFAAS Extension Week -
Other Awards
Aug 2015Strathmore University & UNESCO Women Scientists grant beneficiary for the 3rd SIMC 2015 conferenceFeb 2015African Union Commission (AUC) PhD. scholarshipApr 2013RUFORUM FAPA grants - Dissemination grants for MSc research findingsFeb 2011Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) MSc. scholarship