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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Pamella Kageliza Kilavi-Ndege

Country of origin: Kenya Currently in: Kenya, Nairobi General field of specialization: Physics
PhD Fellowship Alumna
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success story
Academic Background


2014 Master Other
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities


Ph.D. Topic: Radiological dose and risk assessment of enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials in selected high background radiation areas of Kenya

Publications resulting from Research: 

Not yet

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 

Workshop and Conference Attended

2014 Burgos, Spain International Youth Nuclear Congress conference
2015 Trieste, Italy International School on Nuclear Security
2015 Vienna, Austria 23rd WiN Global Annual Conference


Physics Society of Kenya,

Presentation given

Determination of Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn in indegenous complementary infant flour using TXRF
Osaka, Japan
Event: 15 th International Conference on Total Reflection X - Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods, and the 49 th Annual Conference on X - Ray Chemical Analysis
Application of TXRF in Assessing Trace Element Levels in Formulated Indigenous Complementary Infant Flour from Kenya
Vienna, Austria
Event: 23rd WiN Global Annual Conference
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Oct 2010
International Science Program (ISP)
This award was towards supporting women in nuclear science. It was awarded by the International Science Program, Uppsala University and administered by the Institute of Nuclear Science, the University of Nairobi to cater for tuition fees and library costs.
Sep 2012
Research Grant- National Commission of Science and Technology (NCST)
This award was awarded as a research grant towards an award in MSc. in Nuclear Science. The topic of research was "Trace element analysis in infant food from selected rural-urban areas using total x-ray fluorescence technique"
Aug 2018
HELB Postgraduate Scholarships
The award is a partial scholarships towards payment of tuition fees for the Ph.D.studies for 3 years
Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship awarded 2018

PHD Graduation 2023

OWSD 6th General Assembly certificate: download

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