Member Profile

Membership type: full
Lyna Mukwa Fama Tongo
Country of origin: Congo, Dem. Rep Currently in: Congo, Dem. Rep, Kinshasa General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2016 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2007 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
My current work is focus on the management of Fall army worm in Democratic Republic of Congo. But in my lab we are working on different research areas of plant Pathology. specially on Banana viruses, on seed-borne viruses and on rice viruses.
Publications resulting from Research:
1.Mukwa, LFT., Mukendi, J., Adakate, F., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Ghimire, S., (2020), First report of Tuta absoluta. Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on tomato crop in Hinterland of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (manuscript submitted in BioInvasion records).
2.Mukwa, L.F.T. Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Romay, G., Bragard, C., Iskra-Caruana, M-L., (2018), Current situation of Banana emerging viruses in Democratic Republic of Congo. Abstract submitted and Poster communication to International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) 2018: Plant Health in a Global Economy which will take place from 28 july to 04th August 2018 in Boston-Massachussetts, USA.
3.Mukwa, L.F.T., (2016), Banana and plantain (Musa spp.) viruses in Democratic Republic of Congo: occurrence, identification of new viruses and genetic diversity. Doctoral thesis submitted at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, for the degree of PhD in agronomic sciences, biology and environmental engineering. Published by Presse Universitaire de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
4.Mukwa, L.F.T., Vanhese, V., Gillis, A., Laboureau, N., Galzi, S., Romay, G., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Iskra-Caruana, M-L., Bragrad, C. (2016), Low genetic diversity of Banana bunchy top virus, with a Sub-regional pattern of variation, in Democratic Republic of Congo, Virus genes DOI 10.1007/S11262-016-1383-1
5.Mukwa, L.F.T., Gillis, A., Laboureau, N., Galzi, S., Romay, G., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Iskra-Caruana, M-L, Bragard, C. (2016), Current status of occurrence, epidemiology and genetic diversity of banana viruses in Democratic Republic of Congo. Oral presentation to 13th International Symposium on Plant Virus Epidemiology. Avignon, from 06 to 10 June 2016, France.
6. Muengula-Manyi, M. Mukwa, L., Nkongolo, K.K., Tshilenge-Djim,P., Winter,S., Bragard, C., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., (2013), Assessing reactions of genetically improved and local Cassava varieties to Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) Infection in a Savannah region of the DR-Congo. American Journal of Plant sciences, 4, 824-837.
7.Mukwa, L.F.T., 2007, Evaluation of the efficiency of two strains of antagonist of Mycosphaerella fijiensis the causal agent of black sigatoka disease. Thesis submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of complementary master in tropical and subtropical crop protection, September 2007, University of Liège, FUSAGX - UCL, Gembloux/ Belgium (September 2007).
8. Mukwa, L.F.T., 2003, 2003, Sensitivity of dwarfish beans cultivars to major diseases in eco-climatic conditions of Lubumbashi, Katanga province, cases of the common bacterial blight, Hallo blight, common mosaic and the rust. Thesis submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Agronomist engineer, July 2003, University of Lubumbashi.
Conferences and Other Publications
9.Mukwa, L.F.T., Gillis, A., Laboureau, N., Galzi, S., Romay, G., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Iskra-Caruana, M-L, Bragard, C. (2016), Current status of occurrence, epidemiology and genetic diversity of banana viruses in Democratic Republic of Congo. Oral presentation to 13th International Symposium on Plant Virus Epidemiology. Avignon, from 06 to 10 June 2016, France.
10.Mukwa, L.F.T., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Iskra-Caruana, M-L., Bragard, C. (2016), Molecular characterization of Banana bunchy top virus reveals widespread low genetic variation among isolates in Democratic Republic of Congo. Poster presented on the 13th International Symposium on Plant Virus Epidemiology in Avignon, from 06 to June 10 2016, France.
11.Mukwa, L.F.T., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Iskra-Caruana, M-L., Bragard, C. (2015), Reality of viruses’ infections in banana and plantain in Democratic Republic of Congo. Poster presented on the 15th Congress of phytovirology, from January 18 to 22, 2015, in Aussois, France.
12.Mukwa, L.F.T., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Bragard, C., Iskra-Caruana, M-L. (2015), Pests and diseases of vegetable crops in South Western part of Democratic Republic of Congo, in Troupeaux et culture des tropiques, CAVTK asbl (in press).
13.Mukwa, L.F.T., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Bragard, C. (2014), Presence and distribution of Banana bunchy top virus in South Western Democratic Republic of Congo. Poster presented au 12th International Symposium on Plant Virus Epidemiology. Arusha, from January 28 to February 01, 2013, Tanzania.
14.Mukwa, L.F.T., Kalonji-Mbuyi, A., Bragard, C., Iskra-Caruana, M-L (2013), Identification guide of banana disease in Democratic Republic of Congo; compendium for quick identification of banana disease, Agronomic, veterinary tropical centre of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
15.Tata-Hangy, K.W., Mukwa, L., Bambala, K., Ntuta, S. and Mahungu, N.M., (2013), Occurrence of sporadic dry root rots caused by Pseudophaeolus manihotis, Heim (Basidiomycete; Polyporaceae) on Cassava in the Bas Congo district of Democratic Republic of Congo and attempts for its control. Conference in Accra, 2013
16.Risasi, E.L., Mukwa, L.F.T., 2004a, Methodology using in the studies of rots. Edition. Mokada Okishi Association Publisher.
17.Risasi, E.L., Mukwa, L.F.T., 2004b. Evaluation of the fertilizer dose use in vegetable production in Kinshasa periurban, cases of Amaranthus hybridus and Basella alba. Edition Mokada Okishi Association Publisher.
18.Mukwa, L.F.T., 2000, Systematic inventory of insects in crop in the experimental field of the University of Lubumbashi. Case of Zea mays crops, Thesis submitted for the degree of agronomist engineer in July 2000. Contribution to the book
Contribution to the book
19.Montoya, M.M., Gutierrez Sanchez, P.A., (2016), Principios de virologia molecular de plantas tropicales. Corpoica Editorial. Mosquera, Colombia.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
ICPP-2018 Hynes Conventional Center, Boston, Massachussett, USA International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP-2018): “Plant Health in a Global Economy2017 Nairobi, kenya Advance genomics and bioinformatics2016 Avignon, France 13th International Symposium on Plant Virus EpidemiologyPresentation given
2016Current status of occurrence, epidemiology and genetic diversity of banana viruses in Democratic Republic of Congo. .Avignon, from 06 to 10 June 2016, FranceEvent: 13th International Symposium on Plant Virus Epidemiology