Member Profile

Membership type: full
Alexandra De Castro
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Netherlands, The Hague General field of specialization: Physics-
2001 Doctorate Physics2014 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
Currently I'm science and technology communicator in spanish, oriented to Latin American Countries, with the aim to help on development. I'm also freelance science writer, science communicators team manager, Chairwoman at Persea Foundation and Director at Persea Magazine. My academic background: Theoretical Physicist, PhD, with more than 15 years of experience as scientific researcher and lecturer. Deep knowledge of cutting-edge mathematical physics, high energy physics and physical chemistry.Current profession
Other Awards
Apr 2003DAAD FellowshipI was awarded the German Academic Exchange Service-DAAD fellowship (in agreement with Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Foundation, Venezuela) to conduct research at Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hannover, Germany.Apr 2005Fellowship, Graduiertenkollegstipendium, Quantenfeldtheoretische Methoden in der Teilchenphysik, Gravitation und Statistischen Physik und Quantenoptik, Universita ̈t Hannover.Jan 1996Scholarship, National Foundation for Science and Technology (CONICIT)Jan 2009Venezuelan Foundation for Research Promotion, Level II Award